ESP32 to iOS data transfer over BLE

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ESP32 to iOS data transfer over BLE

Postby innomkr » Thu Mar 10, 2022 7:03 am

Hello everyone,

Please excuse my lack of in-depth knowledge about BLE but so far I haven't done any projects using BLE.

My goal is to create a portable device, powered by ESP32 which has a microphone and is able to record 15sec. audio files.
The audio files must then be transferred to a smartphone - both iOS and Android and from there the files should be sent to the cloud for storage and processing via ML.

My research so far shows that it is impossible to send more than a couple hundred bytes over BLE. Using Bluetooth Classic isn't an option because it is not supported on iOS.

Using Wi-Fi is not an option because the device will be used "in the wild" and the only way to transfer the data to the cloud is through the user's smartphone.

I know there is an option to use on-device ML but we need the audio recordings to be transferred to the cloud to improve our data set.

I would appreciate if someone shares his experience with transferring data between ESP32 and iOS device using BLE.

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