Does ESP WROOM 32 works withRF24 Libary and NRF24L01 module?

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Does ESP WROOM 32 works withRF24 Libary and NRF24L01 module?

Postby Harmen1991 » Wed Jan 08, 2020 2:38 pm

Hello ESP fellows :) ,

The question in short: Can i use the RF24 libary together with an ESP wroom 32 MCU and an NRF24L01 communication module?
The link to this Libary is:
I see in the github file directory: "fix build issues against ESP 32 Wroom" so i expected this libary was suitable to use.

I would like to communicate between two "esp wroom 32" microcontrollers.
For the communication i want to use two "NRF24L01" communication modules.
See attachment for simple diagram.

I followed this tutorial on: ... -tutorial/
I used the same code for receiver and transmitter with exception that i changed this line:

Code: Select all

RF24 radio(7, 8); // CE, CSN

Code: Select all

RF24 radio(4, 2); // CE, CSN
The reason for this is that CE and CSN are respectively connected to GPIO pin 4 and GPIO pin 2.
The MCU hardware SPI bus is used.

The result is that there is no text showing up in de serial monitor at the reveiving MCU.

Thank you in advance:)
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Re: Does ESP WROOM 32 works withRF24 Libary and NRF24L01 module?

Postby warren » Wed Mar 25, 2020 3:40 pm

I was able to make this work last night, using the following GPIOs:

Code: Select all

RF24 radio(12,5);  // CE, CSN
And the following GPIOs:
  • MOSI - 23
  • MISO - 19
  • SCK - 18
  • SS(CSN) - 5
  • CE - 12
These appear to be the ESP32 driver defaults (except for CE, CSN provided in the constructor). To use other GPIOs may require some fiddling with macros/API for this library, which I didn't attempt.

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Re: Does ESP WROOM 32 works withRF24 Libary and NRF24L01 module?

Postby rudy01 » Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:57 am

I'm using arduino IDE.
I'm glad you got it to work. I've been bashing my head against the wall for a full week now. I tried what worked for you, without success.

My ESP module keeps rebooting when I use the V-SPI. When I remove the MISO pin, that problem goes away. I don't know how to select the H-SPI. I've looked through the libraries but haven't found how.

When I try to use the SOFTSPI, one has to install the DigitalIO lib, which I did. I then end up with compilation problems. I think there's no pin definition files for the ESP.

I would appreciate any help

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Re: Does ESP WROOM 32 works withRF24 Libary and NRF24L01 module?

Postby SunilDJPro » Tue Dec 07, 2021 4:16 pm

Any got it working? Ruby what about you?, I also stuck with reboot issue and data cannot be received. Please help! TIA

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