ESP32 not visible in Bluetooth scan from Many types of phone.

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ESP32 not visible in Bluetooth scan from Many types of phone.

Postby monkey » Sun Dec 05, 2021 8:11 pm

I have been able to test my ESP32 app on a large number of phones and found that in many of them, the ESP32 does not show up in the phone's bluetooth. It has worked on these phones: Samsung S9, Samsung S6, iPhone S6+. But it has not worked on Samsung A32, Samsung A72, Xiaomi... and undoubtedly, many more.

ESP-IDF 4.3.1.

See attached for menu config bluetooth settings.

Is it relevant that BT_BLE_42_FEATURES_SUPPORTED = n or that BT_BLE_50_FEATURES_SUPPORTED = n? These are under the "Update RPA to controller" setting - so I don't thing so. Although I believe the A32 uses BT 5.0...

Can anyone offer some clarity around this?
bluetooth_config.png (98.65 KiB) Viewed 3905 times

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