Wireless - Which way to go?

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Wireless - Which way to go?

Postby chuck808 » Sat Feb 06, 2021 7:46 pm


Following an earlier post, I have decided to try the ESP32 board to update an existing project by going wireless.

Whilst waiting for the gizmo's to arrive I have been trying to decide which would be the best way to go about achieving what I need and to be honest, I'm a bit confused. There are a number of connection protocols available including Bluetooth, BLE, Wi-Fi, ESP-NOW etc. to server/client one-to-many, many-to-one and so on.

I've added an image and a description so hopefully someone can give me an idea where I should focus my reading.

Currently, everything is done using 1 NANO with all the bits hard-wired and an IR momentary switch to start the sequence.

The sequence is basically -

Take your marks
Get set
Go (led on, start timer)
Break IR beam (stop timer)
Display time on LED


I decided to complicate things by trying to add an App (Flutter), to replace both the IR momentary switch and the 4 digit display.

I'm not sure Wi-Fi is the way to go as it may be used far away from any rooter and there may be more than one device in an area, so would need to be in a closed loop.

My initial thoughts are to use ESP-NOW for communication between the three NODE's and BLE to communicate between the App and NODE 1. However, I am not sure if this is even possible.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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