I've been developing for some weeks a system to manage capacity in sportive & educational places. I'm based in Spain and we are little by little decreasing the lockdown, which should go with some order and rules. We aim to control the entrance of people to public swimming pools and libraries with sensors.
I've built some prototypes with an ESP32 and 2 sensors, which push events to a cloud app that performs the calculations and shows a semaphore. I have tested it with a range of sensors, and it would be great to get some community feedback around it.
I started out with Ultrasonic HC-SR04, but it gets a lot of fake echo signals when you put it on an open environment. After that, I moved after it to IR where I tested 2 main options: the Sharp GP2Y0A21YK0F and the e18-d80nk.
We are starting next week the outdoor testing and I'm quite afraid of the IR performance on a swimming pool under the sun. I have considered trying out the VL53L0X or something similar but reading some thesis on the topic it seems that the results should be kind of similar, as all work under the time of flight principle and the photosensors tend to get saturated in open environments.
Do you have any tip that could help on the matter? If the post should be moved to a specific Hw room I will move it right away.
Thanks in advance!