How can I write to an app partition using the AT command SYSFLASH?

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How can I write to an app partition using the AT command SYSFLASH?

Postby espresselse » Thu May 21, 2020 11:35 pm

How can I write to an app partition using the AT command SYSFLASH?

This is my setup
Windows 10 x64
Hardware ESP32-WROVER-B
Toolchain version: esp-2019r2
Compiler version: 8.2.0
AT version: - May 13 2020 09:42:58) (In other words ESP-AT)
SDK version:v4.0-327-gfe67bedee
compile time(0d586ac):May 20 2020 17:00:32
Bin version:2.0.0(WROVER-32)

I have created an app partition called ota_2 in my secondary partition table.

Code: Select all


I can read from the other partitions. For example.

Code: Select all

However, I cannot read or write to ota_2. For example,

Code: Select all

What am I doing wrong? Where is there a hole in my understanding? My overall goal is to load a binary file into a partition over UART0 using just U0TXD and U0RXD.

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