Current 'Tip Of Tree' Recipe for NINA-W102 Plz (ESP-AT Build)

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Current 'Tip Of Tree' Recipe for NINA-W102 Plz (ESP-AT Build)

Postby jwestmoreland » Wed Mar 11, 2020 11:02 pm

Hello All,

I've posted this on github as well - but JIC - posting there too.

Hello All,

First off, I want to thank all of the developers that have contributed to this effort. I wasn't even aware until a short time ago that an AT build for the ESP32/NINA W102 was even available.

I've got a custom board - it's basically got everything pinned out for debug including JTAG. I've been able to make successful builds using all of the other approaches including making Arduino sketches and blinking the LED's. I basically copied the RGB LED design from the MKR 1010 and can blink the RGB LEDS running as a background RTOS task - (as an aside - I posted that a while ago on the forums - one for the 1010 and one for the 4K).

No matter what I've tried (and I've looked at probably all of the threads including the one on the espressif site) - it either results in the build crashing when I run or when making a seemingly innocuous change like the partition table - the build fails.

Can someone please give some explicit instructions on how to build using preferably the tip of tree and or all of the explicit steps to make a good build in the 2MB's we have on the NINA-W102? Making the good build is of course preferable as I can work on paring down into the 2MB.

I've tried all of the steps here (on this site) - referring me to an old thread isn't that useful since I don't know how to go back and use all of the versions of the tools that are pointed out. The thread on the espressif site goes into that - but he also used 1.81 of the dlespress download and I don't know how to find that right now. I suppose I can ask for it there if I can't find it.

Another question that I have is what basic project is everyone starting with for basic AT functionality of the command set on the NINA W102? I started with the at_http_webserver example and pared that down so it would fit in the 2MB's as a lot have pointed out here (the steps for that).

Here's a log file of the only build that worked - but at runtime it crashes:

putty-log-ninaw10-for-forum-questions.txt (attached below)

One of the build issues I am seeing is this - I think someone posted something similar - but that thread is a little sparse and unclear as to what the solution really is - I just made the changes to the relevant .csv files as pointed out in threads here:

-- Could NOT find Perl (missing: PERL_EXECUTABLE)
CMake Error at C:/esp-idf-2-rb/components/esptool_py/project_include.cmake:197 (file):
file RELATIVE_PATH must be passed a full path to the file: FLASH_IN_PROJECT
Call Stack (most recent call first):

That's where the error starts.
And, do we need to install perl?
I'm currently doing this dev on Win10 - I've tried all of this on 3 different machines - all getting pretty much the same result.

Thanks In Advance,
John W.
One of few builds that I've made -this crashes but here's the log file.
(14.3 KiB) Downloaded 461 times

Helen L
Posts: 71
Joined: Thu Aug 16, 2018 9:07 am

Re: Current 'Tip Of Tree' Recipe for NINA-W102 Plz (ESP-AT Build)

Postby Helen L » Thu Mar 12, 2020 2:55 am

Maybe you can try a simple example of ESP-IDF 4.0 firstly, to see if it can work.

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