[Solved] A step-by-step guide to enable AT commands for ES32P-AT via USB on DevKitC

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[Solved] A step-by-step guide to enable AT commands for ES32P-AT via USB on DevKitC

Postby flosko » Sun Jan 13, 2019 10:27 am

Dear ESP32-AT developers, especially newbies,

I am new to ESP32 and was burning a considerable amount of time in the recent days to enable AT commands via USB for the ESP-AT firmware for DevKitC (tested on SOLO and WROVER boards). The requried information is scattered across multiple places, guides and tutorials, so I figured it might be helpful for the one or the other to drop my collected findings here. They are current as of January 12th, 2019.

By default, UART0 (TXD0 is GPIO1 and RXD0 is GPIO3), connected to the USB bridge chip, acts as debug interface. Issuing AT commands is only possible via an additional UART interface (UART1, GPIO16 is RxD and GPIO17 is TxD) and thus requires additional hardware to fully use the DevBoard with a PC only. (Here is a good overview picture of the pinning: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-p ... nce-gpios/). So if you liek to explore the ESP-AT firmware's cpabilities on a DevKitC, you need additional hardware, OR, modify the firmware a bit so that the AT interface is also available via UART0.

The following Step-by-Step- guide describes how to proceed on Windows 10x64, from installing the development environment until connecting the DevKitC to a WPA2-enabled WiFi and sending off HTTP requests to a Cloud Platform.

1. Install the Virtual COM Port Driver for the Cypress 210x chip: CP210x_Universal_Windows_Driver. Then you should be able to connect to the DevBoard via a standard terminal using the virtual COM port assigned to your board by the system.
https://www.silabs.com/products/develop ... cp-drivers

2. Download and unzip the pre-built toolchain for ESP32, however, do NOT use the latest one, but this one to ensure compatibility with the ESP32-AT firmware referenced above:
https://dl.espressif.com/dl/esp32_win32 ... 181001.zip
I recommend to stick with the default location 'c:\msys2' -- some paths seem to be hardcoded, and while you can of course use any location to drop the toolchain, you might experience problems with certain tools (e.g. pip) if the path is not the default one.

3. Make sure the path to the idf is set and available all times. The easiest way is to drop an additional file 'export_idf_path.sh' into 'msys32/etc/profile.d' with the line 'export IDF_PATH="C:/msys32/home/username/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf"'

4. Start the toolchain by executing 'mingw32.exe'. Check the IDF_PATH variable with 'printenv IDF_PATH'

5. Clone the ESP-32-AT project (ESP32_AT_V1.1.3) into a directory named '~/esp' in your home directory (Attention: The resulting path of the esp-idf must match the one we just defined in step 3) using the command:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/espressif/esp32-at.git
(I got version b80d4469ee2ecea93ab8bb1df03766c0ef833dd9 from Jan 3rd, 2019)
And here comes the pitfall: Do NOT use the latest esp32-IDF! ESP32-AT comes with its own IDF version against it MUST be built; otherwise you will experience compiler and linker errors.
The corresponding version for the above mentioned ESP-AT FW version is ESP-IDF 7fa98593bc179ea50a1bc8244d5b94bac59c9a10. You get it automatically if you use the parameter --recursive.

If you checked out the latest version via
git clone --recursive https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf.git
you can revert back to the matching version by issuing
git checkout 7fa98593bc179ea50a1bc8244d5b94bac59c9a10
If you go this way, don't forget to also update all submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive

6. Unfortunately, the pre-built toolchain is not complete for the ESP32-AT project. We need further Python libraries which we install with 'pip install pyyaml xlrd'

7. Now we need to reconfigure the ESP32-AT firmware by using 'make menuconfig'. A graphical config console pops up and we select:
  • 'Serial flasher config'->'Default serial port' to configure the serial port for downloading. On my Windows machine this is simply 'COM7'. Additionally you may increase the baud rate.
  • 'Component config'->'AT'->'AT uart settings' to set the AT cmd UART to the same as the debug interface (both to UART0 so that debug output and AT interfacing runs via the USB bridge chip). The settings are as follows:
    • uart port number: 0
    • uart rx pin 3
    • uart tx pin 1
    • uart flow control 0 -- by defaul HW Flow Control via RTS/CTS is enabled. Disable it or the UART-USB bridge won't handle it
Exit the configmenu and save the changes. Wait until the command line returns. That may take up to several minutes because all the configuration files are created by a Python script in the background.

8. Now let's build the firmware by issuing 'make flash'. Make sure the board is connected to the specified COM port, because after a successful make (which may take 5-8 minute on a 7th generation i7 with 32 GB RAM), the board is being programmed.

9. After the successful download, start up your favorite terminal and open the corresponding COM port with the settings 115200,N,8,1, and no flow control.

10. Reset the board by pressing its "EN" Button and watch the debug messages coming in. After less than a second the board has fully booted up and outputs "ready" on the console. You will however find out quickly that issuing AT commands does not work. The reason is that we need further modifications to the firmware (and/or its configuration). The problem is also discussed in this issue: https://github.com/espressif/esp32-at/issues/153

11. Open the file 'at_uart_task.c' in the directory 'esp\esp32-at\main\interface\uart'. Scroll to line 252 and comment out the block 'if (data) {...}' until line 273. This block loads the default configuration and somehow clashes with the flow control settings configured in step 7. Save and close. (Notice, it is certainly cleaner to resolve the problem with the competing settings of make config and those stored as factory settings in the file 'factory_param_data.csv'.)

12. Again, 'make flash' (There will be two warnings that the variables for the flow control pins are now defined but not used -- ignore them for now, and fix that issue later), open your terminal, reset the board with the 'EN' button, wait for it to reboot and enter 'AT' followed by a CRLF. The response should now be 'OK', which means the AT-command interface is now fully available via UART0, and thus, via USB.

13. Now we are good to go and issue some more powerful AT commands, documented in the pdf at https://www.espressif.com/sites/default ... les_en.pdf In order to send a simple GET request to an IoT Cloud provider (in our case "thingspeak"), we just need the following AT-commands (CR=#013, LF=#010, '>' means I entered a command, other lines are responses and comments) to modify the factory settings (switch to station mode instead of soft AP mode) and establish a connection. Notice, the GET-Request needs to be terminated by two CRLF!

Code: Select all

New module with factory settings:
// switch to station mode
> AT+CWMODE=1#013#010
// connect to WiFi Network (WPA2)
> AT+CWJAP="mySSID","mypassword"#013#010
// connect to server using tcp
> AT+CIPSTART="TCP","thingspeak.com",80#013#010
// send http request
> AT+CIPSEND=89#013#010


> GET https://api.thingspeak.com/update?api_key=RKLL5DFY7NVJI26Z&field1=79 HTTP/1.0#013#010#013#010
Recv 89 bytes


+IPD,637:HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: origin, content-type, X-Requested-With
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: delete
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Max-Age: 1800
Cache-Control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2019 19:41:56 GMT
ETag: "1679091c5a880faf6fb5e6087eb1b2dc"
Server: nginx/1.9.3 + Phusion Passenger 4.0.57
Status: 200 OK
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
X-Powered-By: Phusion Passenger 4.0.57
X-Request-Id: dbdb0815-65f5-47d7-bb99-53d4245901d8
X-Runtime: 0.024321
Content-Length: 1
Connection: Close

For questions and comments, please simply leave a reply to this post.
Good luck with your own experiments!

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Joined: Fri Mar 22, 2019 4:28 am

Re: [Solved] A step-by-step guide to enable AT commands for ES32P-AT via USB on DevKitC

Postby senthilkumar » Sat Mar 23, 2019 9:54 am


while doing 7th step in your procedure i got return message as "no rule to make target 'menuconfig'. stop"

I followed everything said in the procedure.I don't know what is the reason behind this issue can you help me.


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Re: [Solved] A step-by-step guide to enable AT commands for ES32P-AT via USB on DevKitC

Postby flosko » Fri May 03, 2019 1:14 pm

It seems you are not in the project directory. Make sure your current directory is the esp32 directory which includes the Makefile before you execute "make menuconfig".

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Re: [Solved] A step-by-step guide to enable AT commands for ES32P-AT via USB on DevKitC

Postby polineers@gmail.com » Sat Jun 15, 2019 6:00 pm


I want to change the AT Uart interface to uart0 to take advantage of my hardware.

I can't get the option under component config ==>AT ==>Uart settings : no uart port option available
just the protocol options available
scr2.jpg (132.71 KiB) Viewed 51246 times
scr1.png (32.91 KiB) Viewed 51246 times

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Re: [Solved] A step-by-step guide to enable AT commands for ES32P-AT via USB on DevKitC

Postby mepster » Mon Sep 09, 2019 7:33 am

polineers@gmail.com wrote:
Sat Jun 15, 2019 6:00 pm

I want to change the AT Uart interface to uart0 to take advantage of my hardware.

I can't get the option under component config ==>AT ==>Uart settings : no uart port option available
just the protocol options available
@polineers, to change the UART pins you just have to edit:

Then make clean, make flash.
I believe I put the menuconfig back to the stock settings so this is the only change. Actually I take it back, I made one change in menuconfig: Component config > AT > AT uart settings > the uart flow control for AT port -> set to 0.

See this thread:

My file looks like this now, to put uart_tx_pin on pin 25 and uart_rx_pin on pin 26:

Code: Select all

Also, once you get the "ready" prompt in the terminal from esp-at you are very close. Then you need a serial terminal program that really sends CRLF. On Mac there is something called CoolTerm which is great. "screen" in a Terminal window does not work.

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Re: [Solved] A step-by-step guide to enable AT commands for ES32P-AT via USB on DevKitC

Postby shamhain13 » Mon Oct 28, 2019 9:34 pm

This solves the issue of changing the pins to 25 and 26, but it doesn't seem as though this changes the UART port to 0. I also am unable to find this in the 'make menuconfig' as an option. I read in the github thread that to change this, it must be done within the source code. Is that correct or am I missing something.

Thank you!

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Re: [Solved] A step-by-step guide to enable AT commands for ES32P-AT via USB on DevKitC

Postby jwestmoreland » Wed Mar 11, 2020 10:58 pm


May we please get an update to this thread using all of the current tools and tip of tree?

John W.

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Re: [Solved] A step-by-step guide to enable AT commands for ES32P-AT via USB on DevKitC

Postby espresselse » Wed May 20, 2020 11:40 pm

These instructions will get you started with ESP-AT on Windows 10 (64 bit)

When I follow these instructions, this is the configuration I end up with
Toolchain version: esp-2019r2
Compiler version: 8.2.0
AT version: - May 13 2020 09:42:58)
SDK version:v4.0-327-gfe67bedee
compile time(0d586ac):May 20 2020 17:00:32
Bin version:2.0.0(WROVER-32)

Prerequisites: Python 2.7, Git, pip

1. Download the GNU Make toolchain for ESP32

Go to the latest ESP documentation
Get Started » Get Started (Legacy GNU Make) » Standard Setup of Toolchain for Windows (Legacy GNU Make)

2. Extract the toolchain to C:\

You should end up with this folder structure

3. Make the esp folder

Docs » Get Started » Get Started (Legacy GNU Make) » Standard Setup of Toolchain for Windows (Legacy GNU Make)
Run mingw32.exe
mkdir -p ~/esp

4. Install ESP-AT to the esp folder

Use mingw32.exe
Navigate to this folder
Run this command
git clone --recursive https://github.com/espressif/esp-at.git
You should have a folder structure like this

5. Set the IDF_PATH

Use Windows Explorer
Navigate to this folder
Create a file with this name
These are the contents of the file export_idf_path.sh
export IDF_PATH="C:/msys32/home/YOUR-USERNAME/esp/esp-at/esp-idf"
Restart mingw32.exe
Run this command
printenv IDF_PATH
The output should look like this

6. Install the ESP-IDF that is compatible with the ESP-AT

Use mingw32.exe
Navigate to this folder
Run this command
make menuconfig
You should have a folder structure like this

7. Enter your COM port

Still in menuconfig, navigate here
Serial flasher config --> Default serial port --> COM35 (for COM port 35 for example)
Here is how you can find your COM port
Plug in your ESP-32 hardware
Find the COM port it's on in your device manager

8. Enter your flash size

Still in the menuconfig
Serial flasher config --> Flash size --> 16 MB (for example)

9. Enable the Filesystem Operations (optional)

Still in the menuconfig
Component config --> AT --> AT FS command support

10. Set the UART settings

Still in the menuconfig
Component config --> AT --> AT uart settings --> the uart flow control for AT port --> 0 (for no flow control)
Exit the menuconfig and save your changes when prompted

11. Set the UART port for AT commands

Use Windows Explorer
Navigate to this file
Create a copy of the file. You should have a folder structure like this
Modify this file
Refer to these instructions
https://github.com/espressif/esp-at/blo ... ort_Pin.md
For my hardware I want UART0 on the WROVER-32, and I use only the RX and TX lines
module_name WROVER-32
uart_port 0
uart_tx_pin 1
uart_rx_pin 3
uart_ctx_pin -1
uart_rts_pin -1
tx_control_pin -1
rx_control_pin -1
Note that pins 1 and 3 correspond to GPIO1 and GPIO3. This translates to U0TXD and U0RXD

12. Set your target

Use Windows Explorer
Navigate to this file
Hake this change (if you use the WROVER-32 for example)

13. Install extra Python tools

Use mingw32.exe
Run this command
pip install pyyaml xlrd

14. Compile the program

Use mingw32.exe
Navigate to this folder
Run this command
make flash
Make sure your board is powered, you have the boot pin set correctly and it's been reset so the firmware will load

15. Open the serial port

Use QCOM_V1.1.exe
Find QCOM.zip here
Configure the settings: 115200 baud rate, COM35, no flow control
Open the port
Remove the boot jumper (if applicable) from your hardware
Reset your ESP32 hardware
You should see this at the end of your output

16. Send your AT commands

Still using QCOM_V1.1.exe
Input string: AT
Send with Enter: Checked
Send Command
You should see this response
Input string: AT+GMR
You should get a response like this
AT version: - May 13 2020 09:42:58)
SDK version:v4.0-327-gfe67bedee
compile time(0d586ac):May 20 2020 20:39:14
Bin version:2.0.0(WROVER-32)

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Re: [Solved] A step-by-step guide to enable AT commands for ES32P-AT via USB on DevKitC

Postby Zibri_ » Thu May 28, 2020 9:41 pm

Is it possible to have a prebuilt bin file for esp32-wroom32 (4mb flash)?

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Re: [Solved] A step-by-step guide to enable AT commands for ES32P-AT via USB on DevKitC

Postby iw2lsi » Fri May 29, 2020 12:55 pm


i've followed the guide step-by-step but it fails at 7) make flash... any hints ?


Code: Select all

CC build/esp_eth/src/esp_eth_phy_dp83848.o
CC build/esp_eth/src/esp_eth_mac_dm9051.o
CC build/esp_eth/src/esp_eth.o
In file included from C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/esp_eth/src/esp_eth.c:15:0:
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/newlib/include/stdatomic.h: In function 'atomic_flag_test_and_set_explicit':
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/newlib/include/stdatomic.h:271:31: error: request for member '__val' in something not a structure or union
  __atomic_exchange_n(&(object)->__val, desired, order)
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/newlib/include/stdatomic.h:387:10: note: in expansion of macro 'atomic_exchange_explicit'
  return (atomic_exchange_explicit(&__object->__flag, 1, __order));
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/newlib/include/stdatomic.h:387:2: error: incompatible type for argument 1 of '__atomic_exchange_n'
  return (atomic_exchange_explicit(&__object->__flag, 1, __order));
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/newlib/include/stdatomic.h: In function 'atomic_flag_clear_explicit':
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/newlib/include/stdatomic.h:285:28: error: request for member '__val' in something not a structure or union
  __atomic_store_n(&(object)->__val, desired, order)
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/newlib/include/stdatomic.h:394:2: note: in expansion of macro 'atomic_store_explicit'
  atomic_store_explicit(&__object->__flag, 0, __order);
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/newlib/include/stdatomic.h:394:2: error: incompatible type for argument 1 of '__atomic_store_n'
In file included from C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/esp_eth/src/esp_eth.c:15:0:
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/esp_eth/src/esp_eth.c: In function 'esp_eth_driver_install':
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/newlib/include/stdatomic.h:91:47: error: request for member '__val' in something not a structure or union
 #define atomic_init(obj, value)  ((void)((obj)->__val = (value)))
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/esp_eth/src/esp_eth.c:175:5: note: in expansion of macro 'atomic_init'
     atomic_init(&eth_driver->ref_count, 1);
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/esp_eth/src/esp_eth.c: In function 'esp_eth_driver_uninstall':
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/newlib/include/stdatomic.h:283:27: error: request for member '__val' in something not a structure or union
  __atomic_load_n(&(object)->__val, order)
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/esp_eth/src/esp_eth.c:27:15: note: in definition of macro 'ETH_CHECK'
         if (!(a))                                                                 \
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/newlib/include/stdatomic.h:365:2: note: in expansion of macro 'atomic_load_explicit'
  atomic_load_explicit(object, memory_order_seq_cst)
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/esp_eth/src/esp_eth.c:216:15: note: in expansion of macro 'atomic_load'
     ETH_CHECK(atomic_load(&eth_driver->ref_count) == 1,
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/esp_eth/src/esp_eth.c:216:5: error: incompatible type for argument 1 of '__atomic_load_n'
     ETH_CHECK(atomic_load(&eth_driver->ref_count) == 1,
In file included from C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/esp_eth/src/esp_eth.c:15:0:
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/esp_eth/src/esp_eth.c: In function 'esp_eth_increase_reference':
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/newlib/include/stdatomic.h:273:30: error: request for member '__val' in something not a structure or union
  __atomic_fetch_add(&(object)->__val, operand, order)
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/newlib/include/stdatomic.h:355:2: note: in expansion of macro 'atomic_fetch_add_explicit'
  atomic_fetch_add_explicit(object, operand, memory_order_seq_cst)
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/esp_eth/src/esp_eth.c:346:5: note: in expansion of macro 'atomic_fetch_add'
     atomic_fetch_add(&eth_driver->ref_count, 1);
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/esp_eth/src/esp_eth.c:346:5: error: incompatible type for argument 1 of '__atomic_fetch_add'
In file included from C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/esp_eth/src/esp_eth.c:15:0:
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/esp_eth/src/esp_eth.c: In function 'esp_eth_decrease_reference':
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/newlib/include/stdatomic.h:279:30: error: request for member '__val' in something not a structure or union
  __atomic_fetch_sub(&(object)->__val, operand, order)
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/newlib/include/stdatomic.h:361:2: note: in expansion of macro 'atomic_fetch_sub_explicit'
  atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(object, operand, memory_order_seq_cst)
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/esp_eth/src/esp_eth.c:357:5: note: in expansion of macro 'atomic_fetch_sub'
     atomic_fetch_sub(&eth_driver->ref_count, 1);
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/esp_eth/src/esp_eth.c:357:5: error: incompatible type for argument 1 of '__atomic_fetch_sub'
C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/components/esp_eth/src/esp_eth.c: At top level:
cc1.exe: warning: unrecognized command line option '-Wno-frame-address'
make[1]: *** [/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/make/component_wrapper.mk:292: src/esp_eth.o] Error 1
make: *** [C:/msys32/home/Giampaolo/esp/esp32-at/esp-idf/make/project.mk:590: component-esp_eth-build] Error 2

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