Blue tooth - Classic PIN protection for pairings

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Blue tooth - Classic PIN protection for pairings

Postby DanCurram » Wed Feb 27, 2019 4:07 pm

I have written code for an esp32 to emulate the Bluegiga wt12B module. The Bluegiga device is becoming hard to get and expensive and we are still making 1000s of the product that uses it so plan to replace it with an esp32 device

I can get the esp32 to do almost i need but still have a problem with only allowing pairings with a set PIN code.
I have looked at the examples and tried most of the combinations but so far totally failed to make the application function as it should do

eg a device trieds to pair with Esp32 and unless it uses a correct PIN the Esp32 should not pair to it.

Has anyone made this work yet ?
I will not be able to use the Esp32 unless I can show that the PIN code pairing controls works.

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