BLE data transfer from CC1350 STK to Esp32 Wroom

Shyam sundar
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon May 28, 2018 8:22 pm

BLE data transfer from CC1350 STK to Esp32 Wroom

Postby Shyam sundar » Wed Jun 13, 2018 8:13 pm

I am beginner to esp32 and sensortag stk.
I am using Simple peripheral in cc1350 STK to transfer data via Bluetooth low energy to esp32.To connect with esp32 wroom and transfer data should i use gatt client or ble spp client api project or any other?
which are the topics i should get familiar with?
i have gone through device specification and basic api programs but did not get any idea.
could you please suggest any books or webpages where i can get any information about my task?
Thanks in advance
best regards

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