New ESP32 web IDE now available

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New ESP32 web IDE now available

Postby jlauer12 » Mon Nov 06, 2017 6:35 pm

Just launched a new web IDE for ESP32 for Lua. Includes a ready-to-go firmware for you to install on your device, so you don't have to compile. It includes a nice Lua editor. Serial Port JSON Server lets your browser talk direct over serial to your ESP32. Has an XBM image cut/paste tool as well for your OLED. Lots of other goodies and it's all open source and easily forkable so you can add your own widgets and a full community can be developed.
  • Reset button
  • Quick commands
  • File list view/edit/delete
  • Serial port console window with last command recall
  • Lua editor in middle with code highlighting
  • Store scripts in browser localstorage
  • Serial port list on right for browser to serial (uses SPJS)
  • Firmware download for latest kitchen sink ESP32 Lua firmware (nodemcu)
  • Docs link to
  • XBM image cut/paste to generate Lua script for OLED
  • Cayenn widget to let you create easily controllable features of your ESP32 to web

In particular, the XBM image cut/paste tool is a first of its kind out there. You can cut/paste an image from Photoshop, or screenshot, or from Google image search and paste it into the widget. It uses a 50% threshold algorithm to turn it into monochrome. Then it generates the correct byte pattern for upload to an OLED using the u8g2 libraries.

This is built on ChiliPeppr and it's amazing Serial Port JSON Server (which is now used by the Arduino web IDE) to have the browser be able to talk to the serial port of your ESP32 device.

One of the tougher parts today of using Lua on ESP32 (in my experience) has just been getting the firmware. I have a pre-built firmware binary ready to go with all modules compiled in so folks can easily get started with this particular firmware. I have docs on how to install it with including the 3 binaries needed to get a build going. The firmware is hosted on Github and an install process is described.


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Re: New ESP32 web IDE now available

Postby Gfast2 » Tue Nov 07, 2017 4:27 am

;) ;) ;)

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