a) code uses i2c to read and get raw values from an mpu6050 (accelerometer-gyro)
b) It also uses a led strip (WS2812 type) using https://github.com/Lucas-Bruder/ESP32_LED_STRIP this one was the only library for C i could find for addresable leds
c) i have a task that calculates pitch and roll with a complimentary filter, and another one that prints the values.
so this is what is happening: I initilice i2c and the comunication and start getting some values, proper values. I have timed this loop up to 7 solid minutes with no problemat all but as soon as i initialize the led strip it starts returning garbage.
IMPORTANT: the most vexing part, is that i have the same code running on protoboard on a dev board and it works, but i changed into a pcb and the weird behavoir started.
now i did my best to replicate the devboard on the new pcb, i added pull up resistors to the i2c rails (5k). At this point i already checked and both esp32 are revision 0.
my main code looks like so:
Code: Select all
void app_main()
ESP_LOGI("Main tag","starting accelerometer");
print_mux = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
xTaskCreate(mpu6050_complimentary_filter, "i2c_mpu6050_complimentary_filter", 1024 * 3, NULL, 90, NULL); //calculate angles
xTaskCreate(angle_print, "angle_print", 1024 * 2, NULL, 4, NULL); //print angles every 500ms else if on main loop we overflow make monitor console
vTaskDelay(30000/portTICK_PERIOD_MS); // wait to see if accelerometer is working properly
ESP_LOGI("Main tag","addresable initilalized");
Code: Select all
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.868587 PITCH: 4.100168 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.856133 PITCH: 4.101508 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.867535 PITCH: 4.084947 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.877190 PITCH: 4.089179 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.879230 PITCH: 4.099995 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.873662 PITCH: 4.120989 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.844929 PITCH: 4.094360 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.840526 PITCH: 4.108929 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.861139 PITCH: 4.103582 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.837508 PITCH: 4.109424 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.859383 PITCH: 4.109167 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.859133 PITCH: 4.111785 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.858522 PITCH: 4.117200 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.860672 PITCH: 4.129315 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 2.821155 PITCH: 5.061262 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.961496 PITCH: 4.222400 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.858341 PITCH: 4.120047 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.882372 PITCH: 4.110199 Yaw: 0.000000
(33213) intr_alloc: Connected src 47 to int 17 (cpu 0)
I (33213) Main tag: addresable initilalized
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.856133 PITCH: 4.101508 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.867535 PITCH: 4.084947 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.877190 PITCH: 4.089179 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.879230 PITCH: 4.099995 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.873662 PITCH: 4.120989 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.844929 PITCH: 4.094360 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.840526 PITCH: 4.108929 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.861139 PITCH: 4.103582 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.837508 PITCH: 4.109424 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.859383 PITCH: 4.109167 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.859133 PITCH: 4.111785 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.858522 PITCH: 4.117200 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.860672 PITCH: 4.129315 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 2.821155 PITCH: 5.061262 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.961496 PITCH: 4.222400 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.858341 PITCH: 4.120047 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.882372 PITCH: 4.110199 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.876676 PITCH: 4.118143 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.571568 PITCH: 4.339398 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.830631 PITCH: 4.152345 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.830631 PITCH: 4.152345 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.831013 PITCH: 2.172300 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.831013 PITCH: 2.172300 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.831013 PITCH: 2.172300 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.831013 PITCH: 2.172300 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.831391 PITCH: -1.767590 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.831391 PITCH: -1.767590 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.831391 PITCH: -1.767590 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.831391 PITCH: -1.767590 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.831766 PITCH: -5.668081 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.831766 PITCH: -5.668081 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.831766 PITCH: -5.668081 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.831766 PITCH: -5.668081 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.832137 PITCH: -9.529564 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.832137 PITCH: -9.529564 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.832137 PITCH: -9.529564 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.832137 PITCH: -9.529564 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.832504 PITCH: -13.352435 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.832504 PITCH: -13.352435 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.832504 PITCH: -13.352435 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.832504 PITCH: -13.352435 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.832867 PITCH: -17.137077 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.832867 PITCH: -17.137077 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.832867 PITCH: -17.137077 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.832867 PITCH: -17.137077 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.833227 PITCH: -20.883869 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.833227 PITCH: -20.883869 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.833227 PITCH: -20.883869 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.833227 PITCH: -20.883869 Yaw: 0.000000
Angles by complimentary filter... ROLL: 1.833584 PITCH: -24.593201 Yaw: 0.000000
im lost here, maybe is an interrupt that conflicts with the i2c?