Autonomous Tag in Listen Only Downlink Mode

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Joined: Thu Jun 06, 2024 5:40 pm

Autonomous Tag in Listen Only Downlink Mode

Postby RickUWB » Thu Jun 06, 2024 8:17 pm

Hello Espressif community! : )

I'm day one with my new outdoors project (residential pet containment system ...aka: "invisible fence")

My early thoughts ....

Design mandates and other stuff:

All anchors to be attached to the building only! ... for easy access to existing mains power.
Anchors to operate in "downlink" mode only.
Anchors to transmit in a paired "round robin" mode only.
Only two (2) paired anchors are used in location determination at any given time.
The paired anchors are "clear RF paths" only .... ignoring all the other anchors in round robin.
The tag is fully "autonomous" with location engine on-board, attached to pets collar.
The anchor and yard property boundaries X-Y coordinates are stored in tag at set-up.
A simple "point-in-polygon" c-code on the tag determines if pet is "in" or "out" of the yard.
GPIO out to custom correction module attached to pets collar.
Most homes would only require four anchors, one at each corner.
The defined allowed yard area for the containment is divided into four (4) adjoining "polygons" (see pic)

I'm thinking of using the high powered UWB Pro with Display for the anchors and autonomous tag for extended area coverage.

....... where to start?
Is there any code clips or suggestions I can look at to have the anchors coordinate their time stamped transmits in a "round robin" fashion?

Any other helpful suggestions to this project would be appreciated!


Invisible Fence.png
Invisible Fence.png (52.08 KiB) Viewed 480 times

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