!!! How to Hire a ESP32 BLE developer with FLUTTER experience !!!

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!!! How to Hire a ESP32 BLE developer with FLUTTER experience !!!

Postby gchini » Tue Jan 02, 2024 1:12 pm


I need to :idea: :idea: :idea: hire a developer OR have advices on how to hire a developer :idea: :idea: :idea: to make a small test project in wich:

an esp32 transmits a stream of data (some bytes like 20k) in bidirectional way from/to a phone. The phone send the data to the esp32 who process the data in some way and returns another bunch on data to the phone.

The reference languace is c possibly without arduino IDE for esp32 device and Flutter for the phone

The phone could be an android /iphone or windows device, then i prefer use flutter or Maui

The way in wich the information would be transmitted is using BLE. Then the data need to be splitted in many pieces.

The communication does not need to be encrypted, the phone drop the data to the esp32 and the esp32 drops the data to the phone.

If something occasionally goes wrong nothing happen because the data integrity check is allredy embedded in the data themselves

The person who I look need to speak English and must follow the specifications that could be written and also talked to clarify the points that are not clear

The project needs to be a collaborative work not a self-only project. At the end I need to have the source and be able to implements the project by myself and udnerstand any details.

:!: :!: :!: Ill pay the person :!: :!: :!: in BTC rather than cash/wire. The payment can be splitted in multiple transactions in order to pay the work step by steps. For example: I can pay the part of communication through BLE between esp32 and phone without implements the transmission of a stream of data.

I’m not an experts of how much a person could earn for such task then I wait for some offers (example I ll do the entire project for 1000 2000 3000 usd or eu) and after I decide.

Before you proof that the features works (by videos ecc..), after I pay and later you give me the code and the exclusive rights of use and modify it.

:?: :?: :?: Any advice on how to hire ppl or if there are someone who want do this project or are simply interested please write :?: :?: :?: here IN THE POST or contact me by private message. Don't be shy and feel free to ask me ANY questions and if you want candidates send me your some of your skills and ask what are your economical expectations.

8-) 8-) 8-) I’m serious about that. 8-) 8-) 8-) I would be happy if I can find someone to collaborate


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