can't get arduino as a component to work in esp-ide 3.0.0 with idf V5.3.1
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2025 11:48 pm
I'm trying to get arduino as a component to work with any of the examples only using the guide: ... onent.html
But when entering the provided commands git clone everything just stops and freezes, i did exactly as described in the guide on both my own pc and in a managed environment, both resulted in a freeze.
When i added arduino-esp32 framework(from component) in the esp-idf/components, every single project automaticly uses this, how can i install arduino as a main component without automaticly have every new project use this?
Aside from that, whenever i try to install arduino as a component to my project specificly using IDF component manager(using command add-dependency "espressif/arduino-esp32^3.1.1") i can't build anymore, it always throws the error that the freertos_hz is at 100, when i then try to open the sdkonfig so i can adjust it to 1000 it tells me the same error, leaving me unable to edit the sdkconfig with the IDE.
Since that did not work i had to manually edit the sdkconfig file in the project directory, and rebuild it, only then i could open sdkconfig, so basicly a minor inconvienence unless i'm doing something wrong.
Anyone here who got it to work that can help me out a bit? is that guide still on point or is it outdated?
I also tried installing the arduino-esp component into the idf/components but then every single project throws this error so i removed that again as i dont want every project to automaticly include the arduino-esp component, wich is kinda weird.
Also after trying to install arduino as a component, either global or project specifik, cmake or is suddenly trying to add a whole lot more dependencies i did not ask for, is that normal? i only needed arduino-esp but it installed 26 extra dependencies, am i correct in assuming that the arduino core uses those, therefor automaticly installs them aswell, even if they eventually dont end up being used in the final program?
But when entering the provided commands git clone everything just stops and freezes, i did exactly as described in the guide on both my own pc and in a managed environment, both resulted in a freeze.
When i added arduino-esp32 framework(from component) in the esp-idf/components, every single project automaticly uses this, how can i install arduino as a main component without automaticly have every new project use this?
Aside from that, whenever i try to install arduino as a component to my project specificly using IDF component manager(using command add-dependency "espressif/arduino-esp32^3.1.1") i can't build anymore, it always throws the error that the freertos_hz is at 100, when i then try to open the sdkonfig so i can adjust it to 1000 it tells me the same error, leaving me unable to edit the sdkconfig with the IDE.
Since that did not work i had to manually edit the sdkconfig file in the project directory, and rebuild it, only then i could open sdkconfig, so basicly a minor inconvienence unless i'm doing something wrong.
Anyone here who got it to work that can help me out a bit? is that guide still on point or is it outdated?
I also tried installing the arduino-esp component into the idf/components but then every single project throws this error so i removed that again as i dont want every project to automaticly include the arduino-esp component, wich is kinda weird.
Also after trying to install arduino as a component, either global or project specifik, cmake or is suddenly trying to add a whole lot more dependencies i did not ask for, is that normal? i only needed arduino-esp but it installed 26 extra dependencies, am i correct in assuming that the arduino core uses those, therefor automaticly installs them aswell, even if they eventually dont end up being used in the final program?
Code: Select all
Executing action: confserver
Running cmake in directory C:\Users\joe\workspace\testblink\build
Executing "cmake -G Ninja -DPYTHON_DEPS_CHECKED=1 -DPYTHON=C:\Espressif\python_env\idf5.3_py3.11_env\Scripts\python.exe -DESP_PLATFORM=1 -DSDKCONFIG=sdkconfig -DCCACHE_ENABLE=0 C:\Users\joe\workspace\testblink"...
-- Found Git: C:/Espressif/tools/idf-git/2.44.0/bin/git.exe (found version "")
error: cannot spawn git-sh-i18n--envsubst: Permission denied
error: cannot spawn git-sh-i18n--envsubst: Permission denied
-- git rev-parse returned 'fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git'
-- Could not use 'git describe' to determine PROJECT_VER.
-- Building ESP-IDF components for target esp32
NOTICE: Skipping optional dependency: espressif/esp-sr
NOTICE: Skipping optional dependency: espressif/esp_hosted
NOTICE: Skipping optional dependency: espressif/esp_wifi_remote
NOTICE: Skipping optional dependency: espressif/esp-sr
NOTICE: Skipping optional dependency: espressif/esp_hosted
NOTICE: Skipping optional dependency: espressif/esp_wifi_remote
Processing 27 dependencies:
[1/27] chmorgan/esp-libhelix-mp3 (1.0.3)
[2/27] espressif/arduino-esp32 (3.1.1)
[3/27] espressif/cbor (0.6.0~1)
[4/27] espressif/esp-dsp (1.5.2)
[5/27] espressif/esp-modbus (1.0.17)
[6/27] espressif/esp-serial-flasher (0.0.11)
[7/27] espressif/esp-zboss-lib (1.6.0)
[8/27] espressif/esp-zigbee-lib (1.6.0)
[9/27] espressif/esp_diag_data_store (1.0.1)
[10/27] espressif/esp_diagnostics (1.0.2)
[11/27] espressif/esp_insights (1.0.1)
[12/27] espressif/esp_modem (1.3.0)
[13/27] espressif/esp_rainmaker (1.5.0)
[14/27] espressif/esp_rcp_update (1.2.0)
[15/27] espressif/esp_schedule (1.2.0)
[16/27] espressif/esp_secure_cert_mgr (2.5.0)
[17/27] espressif/jsmn (1.1.0)
[18/27] espressif/json_generator (1.1.2)
[19/27] espressif/json_parser (1.0.3)
[20/27] espressif/led_strip (2.5.5)
[21/27] espressif/libsodium (1.0.20~2)
[22/27] espressif/mdns (1.5.2)
[23/27] espressif/network_provisioning (1.0.2)
[24/27] espressif/qrcode (0.1.0~2)
[25/27] espressif/rmaker_common (1.4.6)
[26/27] joltwallet/littlefs (1.16.2)
[27/27] idf (5.3.1)
-- DEBUG: Use esp-modbus component folder: C:/Users/joe/workspace/testblink/managed_components/espressif__esp-modbus.
NOTICE: Skipping optional dependency: espressif/esp-sr
NOTICE: Skipping optional dependency: espressif/esp_hosted
NOTICE: Skipping optional dependency: espressif/esp_wifi_remote
-- Project sdkconfig file C:/Users/joe/workspace/testblink/sdkconfig
Loading defaults file C:/Users/joe/workspace/testblink/sdkconfig.defaults...
Loading defaults file C:/Users/joe/workspace/testblink/sdkconfig.defaults.esp32...
-- Compiler supported targets: xtensa-esp-elf
-- App "blink" version: 1
-- Adding linker script C:/Users/joe/workspace/testblink/build/esp-idf/esp_system/ld/memory.ld
-- Adding linker script C:/Users/joe/workspace/testblink/build/esp-idf/esp_system/ld/
-- Adding linker script C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.3.1/components/esp_rom/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.ld
-- Adding linker script C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.3.1/components/esp_rom/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.api.ld
-- Adding linker script C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.3.1/components/esp_rom/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.libgcc.ld
-- Adding linker script C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.3.1/components/esp_rom/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.newlib-data.ld
-- Adding linker script C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.3.1/components/esp_rom/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.syscalls.ld
-- Adding linker script C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.3.1/components/esp_rom/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.newlib-funcs.ld
-- Adding linker script C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.3.1/components/soc/esp32/ld/esp32.peripherals.ld
-- DEBUG: Use esp-modbus component folder: C:/Users/joe/workspace/testblink/managed_components/espressif__esp-modbus.
-- git rev-parse returned 'fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git'
ESP Insights Project commit: HEAD-HASH-NOTFOUND
-- git rev-parse returned 'fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git'
ESP RainMaker Project commit: HEAD-HASH-NOTFOUND
CMake Error at managed_components/espressif__arduino-esp32/CMakeLists.txt:367 (message):
esp32-arduino requires CONFIG_FREERTOS_HZ=1000 (currently 100)
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "C:/Users/joe/workspace/testblink/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
cmake failed with exit code 1, output of the command is in the C:\Users\joe\workspace\testblink\build\log\idf_py_stderr_output_16892 and C:\Users\joe\workspace\testblink\build\log\idf_py_stdout_output_16892