I trying to add some functionality to CameraWebServer project.
I add some variables and logic code to do this. For example:
Also additional ledcSetup and ledcAttachPin function calls, to configure PWM RGB outputs;else if (!strcmp(variable, "contrast"))
res = s->set_contrast(s, val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "brightness"))
res = s->set_brightness(s, val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "LED_R")) //<- my code
LED_R = val;
else if (!strcmp(variable, "LED_G"))
LED_G = val;
else if (!strcmp(variable, "LED_B"))
LED_B = val;
else if (!strcmp(variable, "saturation"))
res = s->set_saturation(s, val);
p += sprintf(p, "\"brightness\":%d,", s->status.brightness);
p += sprintf(p, "\"contrast\":%d,", s->status.contrast);
p += sprintf(p, "\"LED_R\":%d,", LED_R); //<- my code
p += sprintf(p, "\"LED_G\":%d,", LED_G);
p += sprintf(p, "\"LED_B\":%d,", LED_B);
p += sprintf(p, "\"saturation\":%d,", s->status.saturation);
It (LED PWMs)works fine parallelly to video streaming.
But I also have to add additional sliders into webpage code, to allow remote control of the RGB values: I have skills in writing/modifying HTML/PHP code, but I don't see webpage source code nowhere in CameraWebServer files. No in CameraWebServer.ino, no in app_httpd.cpp, no in another files.
Could You give me any idea where can I find this source code, to modify it?
Thank You in advance.