Modify D1 code to run on d32

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Modify D1 code to run on d32

Postby drprez » Fri Oct 14, 2022 9:18 am

I have code that runs on a d1 mini. My d1 mini is then wired to the d32 3v, ground and from the d4 on mini to d16 on the d32. I had to do this originally because I was using the d1 for WiFi and later needed to add Bluetooth and this was the easy solution,

Now I have got to the point that I’d possible I want to run everything just from the d32. I am very green and need some help as to how I would go about combining both codes to fu cation on the d32.

Is there anyone who can help me with this? Is not a very big code file it’s pretty simple for someone who knows what they are doing

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