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Is there a way to get uart_config_t data from a started Serial?

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 9:45 am
by u063096

I am looking for a way to modify the ``uart_config_t`` data for a Serial that is given to my library by the user application. I need to adjust buffer sizes and install an ``onReceive`` callback for it.

My idea was to read the configuration data from the running Serial, stop it and start it again with a modified set-up.

The problem is, for most of the data there are get functions, but GPIO assignment, signal inversion mask or buffer sizes are not to be found.

Is there a way to achieve what I am attempting to do?

Re: Is there a way to get uart_config_t data from a started Serial?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 4:43 am
by u063096
no idea, someone?