ESP32 C3 WebServer over WiFi with Charting example please.

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Joined: Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:52 pm

ESP32 C3 WebServer over WiFi with Charting example please.

Postby Piie_ESP32 » Fri May 27, 2022 4:57 am

Could anyone please point me to a good example of creating a basic webserver with a chart to show some sensor readings?

I found a very good tutorial video on youtube :

Unfortunately, it is 2 years old, and the instructions on putting the index.html onto the C3 using the ESP32 Sketch Data Upload does not seem to work for ESP32-C3 modules.

I am stuck now, since I don't know if it is a SPIFFS versioning issue, or just the uploader tool to put the index.html file onto the C3 (and whether there is another way to do it)?

Appreciate any assistance

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Re: ESP32 C3 WebServer over WiFi with Charting example please.

Postby lbernstone » Fri May 27, 2022 4:12 pm

I prefer to embed the html in the firmware, rather than having it separate on a filesystem. This means it gets updated when you flash via OTA, and it gets verified by checksum on every boot (although I don't think arduino-esp32 does this). ... no#L34-L58
In production, I typically have a separate header file containing each html file, which gets included in the main app. This makes it easy to develop a full webapp, and then script the packaging into the code (as compressed files). ... es/basicDB

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