FreeRTOS code

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FreeRTOS code

Postby tdilliot » Sat Dec 25, 2021 2:27 am


I am prototyping some code for ESP32 using Arduino IDE. I have done a few sketches to prove some concepts but I'm now stuck on some task optimizations. I have discovered that some task notification functions such as xTaskNotifyAndQuery have not been included in the core. I cannot find a simple solution for including the functions I'm looking for. I have found the IDE core header definitions but I cannot determine how difficult it would be to rebuild the core with the functions I need - I have already seen that trying to use the Arduino FreeRTOS lib won't work. There seem to be a couple of repositories on git, I'm not sure which is the "right one" or if it is even there. Can someone point me to the correct source code and how to build the core so I can update the task.c code on my IDE installation, or else confirm if I have to move to PlatformIO or some other environment (not ideal).


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