Bit of a late reply but I've written a high level library for producing sound via the DAC. Key points :
Samples can be any rate up to 44100Bps and the library will auto find this information from the sample supplied.
Multiple samples can be played at once (the library will mix the waves together to form one for output) and the samples to be mixed can be different Bps, the library will mix them all together correctly.
There are additional classes for playing sequences of samples, musical notes, different musical instrument sounds (similar to a synth).
It's interrupt driven so your main code can just get on with its task as your sound(s) play independently. I've used it on an Arcade game project where multiple sounds often play together.
See this link on my blog for a starter :
and these videos from my youtube channel will give you a feel for what it can do (note some will be out of date as the library has developed) ... KfXyjGdttZ
Unfortunately I've not had time yet to produce a manual/function/property list for the library yet, but the videos/ write ups and examples bundled with the library should help. If you want to look at how I've used it in my arcade project see :