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BLE auto bonding after pairing once

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 11:04 pm
by joe_fang_iD

This probably is a simple feature that is already implemented, so if someone can point me out some example look at, that would be great. I'm looking for a way for an esp32 to automatically connect with a phone/ble device once in range or once that phone/device turns on ble, AFTER they've already paired in a previous connection. I'm not sure if the later automatic connections are called bonding. I would like to do this on arduino-esp32 if possible.


Re: BLE auto bonding after pairing once

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 1:49 am
by chegewara
This can be done only if esp32 will advertise itself as a "special" device class, for example BLE HID keyboard.
What you can do is to add to your IOS/android app to scan for device and connect to it when it is that app, but it will drain battery a lot.
There was similar question already on this forum, when user wanted to control when son is at home.

Re: BLE auto bonding after pairing once

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2023 10:50 am
by grginho
Is auto reconnecting to the Android phone only available if the ESP device is advertising itself as some HID device, or it can be done as 'normal' BLE device with custom services and chars?