ESP32 SoftAP crashes on specific hardware (wesp32)

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Joined: Sun Jan 05, 2020 3:13 pm

ESP32 SoftAP crashes on specific hardware (wesp32)

Postby pardonme » Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:32 am


I am developing with ESP32 on PlatformIO with Arduino.

I am using the SoftAP example and it works perfectly on all boards I have except one hardware with ethernet. I use the ethernet example for the hardware board I have ( and it works fine. But I want to make a bridge to wifi.

When I try to load the SoftAP example to the wesp32, it crashes every time when creating the AP with junk in the serial monitor:
"��␃␄����;��'<␀����␃␄�<#���#��� ␃;$ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57

waiting for download"

This is before adding the ethernet functionality into the project. I am at a loss, hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. It is the exact same code/project as I use on ESP-ethernet-kit (cannot find an Arduino example to try with SoftAP).

Thank you for your help.

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Re: ESP32 SoftAP crashes on specific hardware (wesp32)

Postby ESP_Sprite » Thu Jan 23, 2020 8:57 pm

What do you use as a power supply? Make sure that it can at least supply 500mA, and that you use decent enough cables.

Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Jan 05, 2020 3:13 pm

Re: ESP32 SoftAP crashes on specific hardware (wesp32)

Postby pardonme » Fri Jan 24, 2020 2:22 am

This was exactly it - a broken USB cable. Thanks!

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