Generate serial break for LIN functionality

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Generate serial break for LIN functionality

Postby TommyGunn90 » Wed Dec 04, 2019 4:24 pm


I have TTGO LoRa32-OLED V1 board and I'm trying to use the UART0 to generate LIN messages. Basically, i'm using the Serial the same way as if I were communicating on RS232, but I need to generate low (dominant) signal for the period of 13 bits. I'm writing the code in Arduino IDE and I'm using a LIN library that works great with ATTiny MCUs.

To generate the serial break, the library uses this piece of code:

pinMode(txPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(txPin, LOW);
delay(/*calculated value for 13bit duration*/);
digitalWrite(txPin, HIGH);

The serial communication works, but the break is never generated. If I initialize the UART TX pin as a digital output and try to toggle it, it works. But if I initialize the Serial first and then try to use the TX pin as a digital output for a short time as shown above, it doesen't work.

Any ideas?

Thank you!

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