How to implement Ethernet in an ESP32 project without using ESP-IDF ?

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How to implement Ethernet in an ESP32 project without using ESP-IDF ?

Postby GeorgeFlorian1 » Thu Jul 25, 2019 12:08 pm

OS: Linux Mint 19.1
Board: Olimex ESP32-EVB

Hello !

I would like to know how to implement a Ethernet connection instead of a WiFi connection.

This is how I start a WiFi connection in STA Mode right now:

Code: Select all

       if(!WiFi.config(local_IP_STA, gateway_STA, subnet_STA, local_IP_STA, primaryDNS)) {
         logOutput((String)"Couldn't configure STATIC IP ! Starting DHCP IP !");
What is the equivalent for the above code when using Ethernet ?

I also have some other questions:
  • Can WiFi and Ethernet be used in the same time and how would this work. Will the ESP32 be able to handle 2 different types of connections in the same time or you can code-in both of these but only use one at a time ?
  • Can Ethernet be used in AP Mode ?
  • How come the ETH example is in WiFi examples ? Doesn't ETH deserve a separate directory with its own examples ?
Thank you !

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