USB Port not seeing esp32 board. I can comunicate with an Arduino Uno Wifi Rev 2 on same port.
Computer: Desktop PC using Ubuntu Linux 20.04 LTS running Arduino IDE 1.8.19
I added the esp32 (Expressif Systems) package under the Arduino IDE Boards Manager. Then selected ESP32 Dev Module
for the Board Manager assignment. Is the board selection essential to establishing port communication or will the esp32 work under more than one board assignments?
I purchased the board off eBay: ESP-32 ESP32S Development Board WiFi Bluetooth 2.4GHz Antenna CP2102 Module
link: https://www.ebay.com/itm/383949634506
Board Mgr URL link: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/espre ... index.json
Anybody got any ideas,
Desktop PC port not recognizing esp32 running under 1.8.19 Arduino IDE
Re: Desktop PC port not recognizing esp32 running under 1.8.19 Arduino IDE
Modem Manager app running in Ubuntu Linux was "highjacking" tty port.
Modem Manager app running in Ubuntu Linux was "highjacking" tty port.
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