restarting one-shot timer

Posts: 6
Joined: Sun Apr 11, 2021 6:34 pm

restarting one-shot timer

Postby grzegorz_kr » Mon Jan 03, 2022 11:42 pm

I'm creating a timer in a setup() function:

hw_timer_t * timer_grab = NULL;
void setup()
timer_grab = timerBegin(1, 80, true);
timerAttachInterrupt(timer_grab, &onTimer_grab, true);
timerAlarmWrite(timer_grab, 3000000, false); //running it once (parameter false)

and trying to restart it inside the ISR routine, provided some_condition is true:

void IRAM_ATTR onTimer_grab()
if (some_condition)
{ // restart the timer
// I'm assuming the timerAttachInterrupt is not needed here as the ISR has already been attached, hence only 2 lines:
timerAlarmWrite(timer_grab, 3000000, false);
//do something else

This code doesn't work:
ISR is invoked only once (so creating and starting the timer was done correctly in setup()), but it doesn't restart in ISR (when some_condition is met).
What is the correct sequence to restart the timer again?

Posts: 166
Joined: Wed Aug 01, 2018 12:06 pm

Re: restarting one-shot timer

Postby idahowalker » Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:15 pm

Here is some code where I use the oneshot timer under the Arduino IDE.

Code: Select all

#include <WiFi.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include "certs.h" // include the connection infor for WiFi and MQTT
#include "sdkconfig.h" // used for log printing
#include "esp_system.h"
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" //freeRTOS items to be used
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include "Adafruit_BME680.h"
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>    // Core graphics library
#include <Adafruit_ST7789.h> // Hardware-specific library for ST7789
#include <driver/adc.h>
#include "esp32-hal-ledc.h"
#include <HardwareSerial.h>
#include <SimpleKalmanFilter.h>
#include "MHZ19.h"
#include <ESP32Time.h>
#include <SolarCalculator.h>
ESP32Time rtc;
MHZ19 myMHZ19;
Adafruit_BME680 bme( GPIO_NUM_5 ); // use hardware SPI, set GPIO pin to use
//Adafruit_ST7789 tft = Adafruit_ST7789( TFT_CS     , TFT_DC    , TFT_MOSI   , TFT_SCLK   , TFT_RST     );
Adafruit_ST7789 tft   = Adafruit_ST7789( GPIO_NUM_15, GPIO_NUM_0, GPIO_NUM_13, GPIO_NUM_14, GPIO_NUM_22 );
WiFiClient   wifiClient; // do the WiFi instantiation thing
PubSubClient MQTTclient( mqtt_server, mqtt_port, wifiClient ); //do the MQTT instantiation thing
#define evtDoParticleRead     ( 1 << 0 ) // declare an event
#define evtWaitForBME         ( 1 << 1 )
#define evtParseMQTT          ( 1 << 3 )
EventGroupHandle_t eg; // variable for the event group handle
QueueHandle_t xQ_WindChillDewPoint;
QueueHandle_t xQ_eData; // environmental data to be displayed on the screen
struct stu_eData
  float  Temperature = 0.0f;
  float  Pressure    = 0.0f;
  float  Humidity    = 0.0f;
  float  IAQ         = 0.0f; // Index Air Quality
  float  RM0         = 0.0f; // Remaining Moisture from sensor 0
  float  PM2         = 0.0f; // particles in air
  float  WS          = 0.0f; // wind speed
  String WD          = "";   // wind direction
  float  RF          = 0.0f; // rainfall
  float  WSV         = 0.0f; // weather station volts
  float  WSC         = 0.0f; // weather station current
  float  WSP         = 0.0f; // weather station power
  float  WindChill   = 0.0f; //windchill
  float  DewPoint    = 0.0f; //dew point or dew index
  int    SunRiseHr   = 0;    // sunrise hour
  int    SunRiseMin  = 0;    //sunrise minute
  int    SunSetHr    = 0;    //sunset hour
  int    SunSetMin   = 0;    //sunset minute
  int    DuskHr      = 0;    //dusk
  int    DuskMin     = 0;    //dusk
  int    DawnHr      = 0;    // dawn
  int    DawnMin     = 0;    // dawn
  int    TransitHr   = 0;    // 'noon' time
  int    TransitMin  = 0;    // 'noon' time
  double azimuth     = 0.0f;   // Sun's azimuth, in degrees
  double elevation   = 0.0f;     // Sun's elevation, in degrees
  float  CO2         = 0.0f;
} x_eData; // environmental data
QueueHandle_t xQ_Message; // payload and topic queue of MQTT payload and topic
const int payloadSize = 100;
struct stu_message
  char payload [payloadSize] = {'\0'};
  String topic ;
} x_message;
const float oGasResistanceBaseLine = 149598.0f;
int mqttOK = 0;
volatile bool TimeSet = false;
esp_timer_handle_t oneshot_timer; //veriable to store the hardware timer handle
SemaphoreHandle_t sema_MQTT_KeepAlive;
SemaphoreHandle_t sema_PublishPM;
SemaphoreHandle_t sema_mqttOK;
//serial(2) = pin25 RX, pin26 TX
HardwareSerial co2Serial ( 2 );
// interrupt service routine for WiFi events put into IRAM
void IRAM_ATTR WiFiEvent(WiFiEvent_t event)
  switch (event) {
      log_i("Connected to WiFi access point");
      log_i("Disconnected from WiFi access point");
      log_i("WiFi client disconnected");
    default: break;
} // void IRAM_ATTR WiFiEvent(WiFiEvent_t event)
void IRAM_ATTR oneshot_timer_callback( void* arg )
  BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken;
  xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR( eg, evtDoParticleRead, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
} //void IRAM_ATTR oneshot_timer_callback( void* arg )
void IRAM_ATTR mqttCallback(char* topic, byte * payload, unsigned int length)
  memset( x_message.payload, '\0', payloadSize ); // clear payload char buffer
  x_message.topic = ""; //clear topic string buffer
  x_message.topic = topic; //store new topic
  int i = 0; // extract payload
  for ( i; i < length; i++)
    x_message.payload[i] = ((char)payload[i]);
  x_message.payload[i] = '\0';
  xQueueOverwrite( xQ_Message, (void *) &x_message );// send data to queue
} // void mqttCallback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length)
void setup()
  co2Serial.begin( 9600 , SERIAL_8N1, 25, 26 ); // pin25 RX, pin26 TX
  x_message.topic.reserve( payloadSize );
  xQ_WindChillDewPoint = xQueueCreate( 1, sizeof(stu_eData) );
  xQ_Message  = xQueueCreate( 1, sizeof(stu_message) );
  xQ_eData    = xQueueCreate( 1, sizeof(stu_eData) ); // sends a queue copy of the structure
  sema_PublishPM = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
  xSemaphoreGive( sema_PublishPM );
  sema_mqttOK    =  xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
  xSemaphoreGive( sema_mqttOK );
  ledcSetup( 4, 12000, 8 ); // ledc: 4  => Group: 0, Channel: 2, Timer: 1, led frequency, resolution  bits
  ledcAttachPin( GPIO_NUM_12, 4 );   // gpio number and channel
  ledcWrite( 4, 0 ); // write to channel number 4
  eg = xEventGroupCreate(); // get an event group handle
  // output mode
  gpio_config_t io_cfg = {}; // initialize the gpio configuration structure
  io_cfg.mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT; // set gpio mode
  io_cfg.pin_bit_mask = ( (1ULL << GPIO_NUM_4) ); //bit mask of the pins to set
  gpio_config(&io_cfg); // configure the gpio based upon the parameters as set in the configuration structure
  gpio_set_level( GPIO_NUM_4, LOW); // set air particle sensor trigger pin to LOW
  // input mode
  io_cfg = {}; // reinitialize the gpio configuration structure
  io_cfg.mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT; // set gpio mode. GPIO_NUM_0 input from water level sensor
  io_cfg.pin_bit_mask = ( (1ULL << GPIO_NUM_0) | (1ULL << GPIO_NUM_27)  ); //bit mask of the pins to set, assign gpio number to be configured
  gpio_config(&io_cfg); // configure the gpio based upon the parameters as set in the configuration structure
  // set up A:D channels, refer:
  adc1_config_channel_atten(ADC1_CHANNEL_0, ADC_ATTEN_DB_11);// using GPIO 36
  // High Resoultion Timer API
  esp_timer_create_args_t oneshot_timer_args = {}; // initialize High Resoulition Timer (HRT) configuration structure
  oneshot_timer_args.callback = &oneshot_timer_callback; // configure for callback, name of callback function
  esp_timer_create( &oneshot_timer_args, &oneshot_timer ); // assign configuration to the HRT, receive timer handle
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( fparseMQTT, "fparseMQTT", 7000,  NULL, 5, NULL, 1 );
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( MQTTkeepalive, "MQTTkeepalive", 5000, NULL, 6, NULL, 1 );
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( DoTheBME680Thing, "DoTheBME280Thing", 20000, NULL, 5, NULL, 1);
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( fDoParticleDetector, "fDoParticleDetector", 6000, NULL, 3, NULL, 1 );
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( fmqttWatchDog, "fmqttWatchDog", 5000, NULL, 3, NULL, 1 );
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( fDoTheDisplayThing, "fDoTheDisplayThing", 23000, NULL, 3, NULL, 1 );
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( fScreenBlanking, "fScreenBlanking", 2000, NULL, 2, NULL, 1 );
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( fGetCO2, "fGetCO2", 4500, NULL, 2, NULL, 1 );
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( fParseDewPointWindChill, "fParseDewPointWindChill", 4500, NULL, 2, NULL, 1 );
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( fSolarCalculations, "fSolarCalculations", 10000, NULL, 2, NULL, 1 );
} //void setup()
void fSolarCalculations ( void *pvParameters )
  double sunrise;  // Sunrise, in hours (UTC)
  double transit;  // Solar noon, in hours (UTC)
  double sunset;   // Sunset, in hours (UTC)
  double dawn;     // Civil dawn, in hours (UTC)
  double dusk;     // Civil dusk, in hours (UTC)
  //double rt_ascension;  // Sun's right ascension, in degrees
  //double declination;   // Sun's declination, in degrees
  const  float time_zone = -7.0f;
  TickType_t xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
  const TickType_t xFrequency = 1000; //delay for mS
  int count  = 3590;
  int monthX = 1;
  int dayX   = 1;
  for (;;)
    if ( count % 60 == 0 )
      if ( (rtc.getHour(true) >= 12) & (rtc.getHour(true) <= 23) )
        dayX = 0;
      } else {
        dayX = 1;
      calcSunriseSunset( rtc.getYear(), (rtc.getMonth() + monthX) , (rtc.getDay() + dayX), latitude, longitude, transit, sunrise, sunset );  // Calculate the times of sunrise, transit and sunset
      sunrise += time_zone;
      sunset  += time_zone;
      SolarTimeFormat( sunrise, 0 );
      SolarTimeFormat( sunset, 1 );      
      calcCivilDawnDusk( rtc.getYear(), (rtc.getMonth() + monthX) , rtc.getDay(), latitude, longitude, transit, dawn, dusk); // Calculate the times of civil dawn and dusk (UTC)
      transit += time_zone;
      dawn    += time_zone;
      dusk    += time_zone;
      SolarTimeFormat( dawn, 2 );
      SolarTimeFormat( dusk, 3 );
      SolarTimeFormat( transit, 4 );      
      calcHorizontalCoordinates( rtc.getYear(), (rtc.getMonth() + monthX) , rtc.getDay(),  rtc.getHour(true) , rtc.getMinute(), rtc.getSecond(), latitude, longitude, x_eData.azimuth, x_eData.elevation );
      x_eData.azimuth   = double(round(x_eData.azimuth * 100)) / 100; // Round to two decimal places
      x_eData.elevation = double(round(x_eData.elevation * 100)) / 100;
      if (count >= 3600 )
        SolarTimeFormat( 0.0f, 5 ); // publish MQTT
        log_i( "Hour:%d Azimuth %f, elevation %f, transit %dhr %dmin, dawn %dhr %dmin, dusk %dhr %dmin", rtc.getHour(true), x_eData.azimuth, x_eData.elevation, x_eData.TransitHr, x_eData.TransitMin, x_eData.DawnHr, x_eData.DawnMin, x_eData.DuskHr, x_eData.DuskMin );
        count = 0;
    //log_i( " high watermark % d",  uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( NULL ) );
    xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
    vTaskDelayUntil( &xLastWakeTime, xFrequency );
  } //for (;;)
  vTaskDelete( NULL );
} //void fSolarCalculations ( )
void SolarTimeFormat( double h, int i  )
  int hours   = 0;
  int minutes = 0;
  if ( h != 0.0f )
    int m = int(round(h * 60));
    hours = (m / 60) % 24;
    minutes = m % 60;
  switch ( i )
    case 0:
      x_eData.SunRiseHr = hours;
      x_eData.SunRiseMin = minutes;
    case 1:
      x_eData.SunSetHr = hours;
      x_eData.SunSetMin = minutes;
    case 2:
      x_eData.DawnHr = hours;
      x_eData.DawnMin = minutes;
    case 3:
      x_eData.DuskHr = hours;
      x_eData.DawnMin = minutes;
    case 4:
      x_eData.TransitHr = hours;
      x_eData.TransitMin = minutes;
    case 5:
      String sTopic = "";
      sTopic.reserve( 35 );
      sTopic.concat( String(x_eData.SunRiseHr) + "," );
      sTopic.concat( String(x_eData.SunRiseMin) + "," );
      sTopic.concat( String(x_eData.SunSetHr) + "," );
      sTopic.concat( String(x_eData.SunSetMin) + "," );
      sTopic.concat( String(x_eData.DawnHr) + "," );
      sTopic.concat( String(x_eData.DawnMin) + "," );
      sTopic.concat( String(x_eData.TransitHr) + "," );
      sTopic.concat( String(x_eData.TransitMin) );
      xSemaphoreTake( sema_MQTT_KeepAlive, portMAX_DELAY );
      MQTTclient.publish( topicSRSSDDT, sTopic.c_str() );
      xSemaphoreGive( sema_MQTT_KeepAlive );
      sTopic = "";
      sTopic.concat( String(x_eData.azimuth) + "," + String(x_eData.azimuth) );
      xSemaphoreTake( sema_MQTT_KeepAlive, portMAX_DELAY );
      MQTTclient.publish( topicAzEle, sTopic.c_str() );
      xSemaphoreGive( sema_MQTT_KeepAlive );
      sTopic = "";
  } // switch ( i ) {
} // void SolarTimeFormat( double h, int i  )
  250-400ppm Normal background concentration in outdoor ambient air
  400-1,000ppm  Concentrations typical of occupied indoor spaces with good air exchange
  1,000-2,000ppm  Complaints of drowsiness and poor air.
  2,000-5,000 ppm Headaches, sleepiness and stagnant, stale, stuffy air. Poor concentration, loss of attention, increased heart rate and slight nausea may also be present.
  5,000 Workplace exposure limit (as 8-hour TWA) in most jurisdictions.
  >40,000 ppm Exposure may lead to serious oxygen deprivation resulting in permanent brain damage, coma, even death.
void fParseDewPointWindChill( void *pvParameters )
  while ( !MQTTclient.connected() )
    vTaskDelay( 250 );
  struct stu_message px_message;
  String sDewPoint = "";
  String sWindChill = "";
  sDewPoint.reserve( payloadSize );
  sWindChill.reserve( payloadSize );
  for (;;)
    if ( xQueueReceive(xQ_WindChillDewPoint, &px_message, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE )
      sDewPoint = px_message.payload;
      int commaIndex = sDewPoint.indexOf(',');
      sWindChill.concat ( sDewPoint.substring(0, commaIndex) );
      sDewPoint.remove( 0, (commaIndex + 1) );
      x_eData.WindChill = sWindChill.toFloat();
      x_eData.DewPoint = sDewPoint.toFloat();
      sDewPoint = "";
      sWindChill = "";
    //log_i( " high watermark % d",  uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( NULL ) );
  vTaskDelete( NULL );
void fGetCO2 ( void *pvParameters )
  uint64_t TimePastKalman  = esp_timer_get_time();
  myMHZ19.begin( co2Serial );
  TickType_t xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
  const TickType_t xFrequency = 1000; //delay for mS
  SimpleKalmanFilter KF_CO2( 1.0f, 1.0f, .01f );
  for ( ;; )
    KF_CO2.setProcessNoise( (esp_timer_get_time() - TimePastKalman) / 1000000.0f );
    x_eData.CO2 = KF_CO2.updateEstimate( myMHZ19.getCO2() ); // apply simple Kalman filter
    TimePastKalman = esp_timer_get_time();
    xSemaphoreTake( sema_MQTT_KeepAlive, portMAX_DELAY );
    MQTTclient.publish( topicCO2, String(round(x_eData.CO2)).c_str() );
    xSemaphoreGive( sema_MQTT_KeepAlive );
    // process wind chill and dew point
    xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
    vTaskDelayUntil( &xLastWakeTime, xFrequency );
    //log_i( " high watermark % d",  uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( NULL ) );
  vTaskDelete( NULL );
} //void fMHZ19B ( void *pvParameters )
void fScreenBlanking( void *pvParameters )
  int       TimeOfPause = 10000 * 1000;
  uint64_t  PauseStartTime = esp_timer_get_time();
  bool      Pause = false;
  const int brightness = 250;
  int       countUpDown = brightness;
  for ( ;; )
    if (!Pause )
      //if motion detect then show display otherwise blank display
      if ( !(gpio_get_level( GPIO_NUM_27)) )
        for ( countUpDown; countUpDown-- > 0; )
          ledcWrite( 4, countUpDown ); // write to channel number 4, dim backlight
          vTaskDelay( 7 );
      } else {
        Pause = true;
        PauseStartTime = esp_timer_get_time();
        ledcWrite( 4, brightness );
        countUpDown = brightness;
    } else {
      // still detecting movement reset blanking pause time
      if ( gpio_get_level( GPIO_NUM_27) )
        PauseStartTime = esp_timer_get_time(); // extend pause blanking time
      if ( (esp_timer_get_time() - PauseStartTime) >= TimeOfPause )
        Pause = false;
    vTaskDelay( 250 );
  vTaskDelete( NULL );
} //void fScreenBlanking( void *pvParameters )
void fparseMQTT( void *pvParameters )
  struct stu_message px_message;
  for (;;)
    if ( xQueueReceive(xQ_Message, &px_message, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE )
      xSemaphoreTake( sema_mqttOK, portMAX_DELAY );
      mqttOK = 0;
      xSemaphoreGive( sema_mqttOK );
      if ( px_message.topic == topicRemainingMoisture_0 )
        x_eData.RM0  = String(px_message.payload).toFloat();
      if ( px_message.topic == topicWindSpeed )
        x_eData.WS = String(px_message.payload).toFloat();
      if ( px_message.topic == topicWindDirection )
        x_eData.WD = "";
        x_eData.WD = String(px_message.payload);
      if ( px_message.topic == topicRainfall )
        x_eData.RF = String(px_message.payload).toFloat();
      if ( px_message.topic == topicWSVolts )
        x_eData.WSV = String(px_message.payload).toFloat();
      if ( px_message.topic == topicWSCurrent )
        x_eData.WSC = String(px_message.payload).toFloat();
      if ( px_message.topic == topicWSPower )
        x_eData.WSP = String(px_message.payload).toFloat();
      if ( px_message.topic == topicDPnWI )
        xQueueSend( xQ_WindChillDewPoint, (void *) &px_message, 1 );
      if ( String(px_message.topic) == topicOK )
        if ( !TimeSet)
          String temp = "";
          temp.concat( String(px_message.payload[0]) );
          temp.concat( String(px_message.payload[1]) );
          temp.concat( String(px_message.payload[2]) );
          temp.concat( String(px_message.payload[3]) );
          int year =  temp.toInt();
          temp = "";
          temp.concat( String(px_message.payload[5]) + String(px_message.payload[6]) );
          int month =  temp.toInt();
          temp =  "";
          temp.concat(String(px_message.payload[8]) + String(px_message.payload[9]) );
          int day =  temp.toInt();
          temp = "";
          temp.concat( String(px_message.payload[11]) + String(px_message.payload[12]) );
          int hour =  temp.toInt();
          temp = "";
          temp.concat( String(px_message.payload[14]) + String(px_message.payload[15]) );
          int min =  temp.toInt();
          rtc.setTime( 0, min, hour, day, month, year );
          log_i( "rtc  %s Year %d month %d day %d", rtc.getTime(), rtc.getYear(), (rtc.getMonth() + 1), rtc.getDay() );
          TimeSet = true;
    } //if ( xQueueReceive(xQ_Message, &px_message, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE )
  } //for(;;)
  vTaskDelete( NULL );
} // void fparseMQTT( void *pvParameters )
void fDoTheDisplayThing( void * parameter )
  tft.init( 240, 320 ); // Init ST7789 320x240
  tft.setRotation( 3 );
  tft.setTextSize( 3 );
  tft.fillScreen( ST77XX_BLACK );
  tft.setTextWrap( false );
  struct stu_eData px_eData;
  const int brightness = 250;
  ledcWrite( 4, brightness ); //backlight set
  const int MaxString      = 20;
  String oldTempString     = "";
  String oldHumidityString = "";
  String oldAQIString      = "";
  String oldRainfall       = "";
  String oldWindDirection  = "";
  String oldAirPressure    = "";
  String oldRMO            = "";
  String oldPM2            = "";
  //String oldPower          = "";
  String oldC02 = "";
  oldHumidityString.reserve( MaxString );
  oldWindDirection.reserve( MaxString );
  oldAirPressure.reserve( MaxString );
  oldTempString.reserve( MaxString );
  oldAQIString.reserve( MaxString );
  oldRainfall.reserve( MaxString );
  //oldPower.reserve( MaxString );
  oldRMO.reserve( MaxString );
  oldPM2.reserve( MaxString );
  oldC02.reserve( MaxString );
  bool Tick = true;
  const int numOfColors = 40;
  /*,in%205%20bits%20and%20green%20in%206%20bits. */
  int colors[numOfColors] = { ST77XX_BLACK, ST77XX_RED, ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLUE, ST77XX_GREEN, ST77XX_CYAN, ST77XX_MAGENTA, ST77XX_YELLOW, 0xd55b, 0xee09,
                              0x2e15, 0xcb43, 0x6bad, 0x126f, 0x1264, 0xe264, 0xe7e4, 0x87e4, 0x87fe, 0x876a,
                              0xe304, 0x1cc4, 0xf4c4, 0xf4da, 0xcf66, 0xa879, 0x7f28, 0x4f37, 0xfa97, 0x6195,
                              0X8162, 0xc962, 0x517b, 0x325b, 0xea5b, 0x179b, 0xff80, 0xf960, 0x416d, 0x7bd1
  int colorCounter = 1;
  for (;;)
    if ( xQueueReceive(xQ_eData, &px_eData, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE )
      tft.setCursor( 0, 0 );
      tft.setTextColor( colors[0] );
      tft.print( oldTempString );
      tft.setCursor( 0, 0 );
      tft.setTextColor( colors[colorCounter] );
      oldTempString = "";
      if ( Tick )
        oldTempString.concat( "iTemp " + String(px_eData.Temperature) + "F" );
      } else {
        oldTempString.concat( "Wind Chill " + String(px_eData.WindChill) + "F" );
      tft.println( oldTempString );
      tft.setCursor( 0, 30 );
      tft.setTextColor( colors[0] );
      tft.print( oldHumidityString );
      tft.setCursor( 0, 30 );
      tft.setTextColor( colors[colorCounter] );
      oldHumidityString = "";
      if ( Tick )
        oldHumidityString.concat( "iHum  " + String(px_eData.Humidity) + "%" );
      } else {
        if ( (px_eData.SunRiseHr < 10) & (px_eData.SunRiseMin < 10) )
          oldHumidityString.concat( "sRise 0" + String(px_eData.SunRiseHr) + "0" + String(px_eData.SunRiseMin) );
        if ( (px_eData.SunRiseHr >= 10) & (px_eData.SunRiseMin < 10) )
          oldHumidityString.concat( "sRise " + String(px_eData.SunRiseHr) + "0" + String(px_eData.SunRiseMin) );
        if ( (px_eData.SunRiseHr < 10) & (px_eData.SunRiseMin >= 10) )
          oldHumidityString.concat( "sRise 0" + String(px_eData.SunRiseHr) + String(px_eData.SunRiseMin) );
        if ( (px_eData.SunRiseHr >= 10) & (px_eData.SunRiseMin >= 10) )
          oldHumidityString.concat( "sRise " + String(px_eData.SunRiseHr) + String(px_eData.SunRiseMin) );
      tft.println( oldHumidityString );
      tft.setCursor( 0, 60 );
      tft.setTextColor( colors[0] );
      tft.print( oldAirPressure );
      tft.setCursor( 0, 60 );
      tft.setTextColor( colors[colorCounter] );
      oldAirPressure = "";
      if ( Tick )
        //oldAirPressure.concat( "Pres " + String(px_eData.Pressure) + "mmHg" );
        oldAirPressure.concat( "Dew Pt. " + String(px_eData.DewPoint) + "F" );
      } else {
        if ( px_eData.SunSetMin < 10 )
          oldAirPressure.concat( "sSet " + String(px_eData.SunSetHr) + "0" + String(px_eData.SunSetMin) );
        if ( px_eData.SunRiseMin >= 10 )
          oldAirPressure.concat( "sSet " + String(px_eData.SunSetHr) + String(px_eData.SunSetMin) );
      tft.println( oldAirPressure );
      tft.setCursor( 0, 90 );
      tft.setTextColor( colors[0] );
      tft.print( oldAQIString );
      tft.setCursor( 0, 90 );
      tft.setTextColor( colors[colorCounter] );
      oldAQIString = "";
      oldAQIString.concat( "iAQI " + String(px_eData.IAQ) + "%" );
      tft.println( oldAQIString );
      tft.setCursor( 0, 120 );
      tft.setTextColor( colors[0] );
      tft.print( oldRMO );
      tft.setCursor( 0, 120 );
      tft.setTextColor( colors[colorCounter] );
      oldRMO = "";
      //if ( Tick )
        oldRMO.concat( "iRM0 " + String(px_eData.RM0) + "%" );
      //} else {
      //  oldRMO.concat( "iCO2 " + String(CO2) + "ppm" );
      tft.println( oldRMO );
      tft.setCursor( 0, 150 );
      tft.setTextColor( colors[0] );
      tft.print( oldPM2 );
      tft.setCursor( 0, 150 );
      tft.setTextColor( colors[colorCounter] );
      oldPM2 = "";
      oldPM2.concat( "PM2 " + String(px_eData.PM2) + "ug/m3" );
      tft.println( oldPM2 );
      tft.setCursor( 0, 180 );
      tft.setTextColor( colors[0] );
      //tft.print( oldPower );
      tft.print( oldC02 );
      tft.setCursor( 0, 180 );
      tft.setTextColor( colors[colorCounter] );
      //oldPower = "";
      oldC02 = "";
      //oldPower.concat(  String(px_eData.WSV) + " Volts" );
      oldC02.concat(  "iCO2 " + String(x_eData.CO2) + "ppm" );
      //oldPower.concat(  String(px_eData.WSV) + "V " + String(int(px_eData.WSC * 1000.0f)) + "mA " + String((int(px_eData.WSP * 1000.0f))) + "mW" );
      //tft.println( oldPower );
      tft.println( oldC02 );
      if ( colorCounter > (numOfColors - 1) )
        colorCounter = 1;
      Tick = !Tick;
      //log_i( " high watermark % d",  uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( NULL ) );
    } //if ( xQueueReceive(xQ_eData, &px_eData, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE )
  } //for (;;)
  vTaskDelete( NULL );
} //void fDoTheDisplayTHing( void * parameter )
void fmqttWatchDog( void * paramater )
  int UpdateImeTrigger = 86400; //seconds in a day
  int UpdateTimeInterval = 86300; // 1st time update in 100 counts
  int maxNonMQTTresponse = 15;
  for (;;)
    vTaskDelay( 1000 );
    if ( mqttOK >= maxNonMQTTresponse )
    xSemaphoreTake( sema_mqttOK, portMAX_DELAY );
    xSemaphoreGive( sema_mqttOK );
    UpdateTimeInterval++; // trigger new time get
    if ( UpdateTimeInterval >= UpdateImeTrigger )
      TimeSet = false; // sets doneTime to false to get an updated time after a days count of seconds
      UpdateTimeInterval = 0;
  vTaskDelete( NULL );
float fCalulate_IAQ_Index( int gasResistance, float Humidity)
  float hum_baseline = 40.0f;
  float hum_weighting = 0.25f;
  float gas_offset = 0.0f;
  float hum_offset = 0.0f;
  float hum_score = 0.0f;
  float gas_score = 0.0f;
  gas_offset = oGasResistanceBaseLine - float( gasResistance );
  hum_offset = float( Humidity ) - hum_baseline;
  // calculate hum_score as distance from hum_baseline
  if ( hum_offset > 0.0f )
    hum_score = 100.0f - hum_baseline - hum_offset;
    hum_score /= ( 100.0f - hum_baseline );
    hum_score *= ( hum_weighting * 100.0f );
  } else {
    hum_score = hum_baseline + hum_offset;
    hum_score /= hum_baseline;
    hum_score *= ( 100.0f - (hum_weighting * 100.0f) );
  //calculate gas score as distance from baseline
  if ( gas_offset > 0.0f )
    gas_score = float( gasResistance ) / oGasResistanceBaseLine;
    gas_score *= ( 100.0f - (hum_weighting * 100.0f ) );
  } else {
    gas_score = 100.0f - ( hum_weighting * 100.0f );
  return ( hum_score + gas_score );
} //void fCalulate_IAQ_Index( int gasResistance, float Humidity):
void fDoParticleDetector( void * parameter )
    ug/m3     AQI                 Lvl AQ (Air Quality)
    (air Quality Index)
    0-35     0-50                1   Excellent
    35-75    51-100              2   Average
    75-115   101-150             3   Light pollution
    115-150  151-200             4   moderate
    150-250  201-300             5   heavy
    250-500  >=300               6   serious
  float ADbits = 4095.0f;
  float uPvolts = 3.3f;
  float adcValue = 0.0f;
  float dustDensity = 0.0f;
  float Voc = 0.6f; // Set the typical output voltage, when there is zero dust.
  const float K = 0.5f; // Use the typical sensitivity in units of V per 100ug/m3.
  xEventGroupWaitBits (eg, evtWaitForBME, pdTRUE, pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY );
  TickType_t xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
  const TickType_t xFrequency = 100; //delay for mS
  for (;;)
    //enable sensor led
    gpio_set_level( GPIO_NUM_4, HIGH ); // set gpio 4 to high to turn on sensor internal led for measurement
    esp_timer_start_once( oneshot_timer, 280 ); // trigger one shot timer for a 280us timeout, warm up time.
    xEventGroupWaitBits (eg, evtDoParticleRead, pdTRUE, pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY ); // event will be triggered by the timer expiring, wait here for the 280uS
    adcValue = float( adc1_get_raw(ADC1_CHANNEL_0) ); //take a raw ADC reading from the dust sensor
    gpio_set_level( GPIO_NUM_4, LOW );//Shut off the sensor LED
    adcValue = ( adcValue * uPvolts ) / ADbits; //calculate voltage
    dustDensity = (adcValue / K) * 100.0; //convert volts to dust density
    if ( dustDensity < 0.0f )
      dustDensity = 0.00f; // make negative values a 0
    if ( xSemaphoreTake( sema_PublishPM, 0 ) == pdTRUE )  // don't wait for semaphore to be available
      xSemaphoreTake( sema_MQTT_KeepAlive, portMAX_DELAY );
      //log_i( "ADC volts %f Dust Density = %ug / m3 ", adcValue, dustDensity ); // print the calculated voltage and dustdensity
      MQTTclient.publish( topicInsidePM, String(dustDensity).c_str() );
      xSemaphoreGive( sema_MQTT_KeepAlive );
      x_eData.PM2 = dustDensity;
    xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
    vTaskDelayUntil( &xLastWakeTime, xFrequency );
    //log_i( " high watermark % d",  uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( NULL ) );
  vTaskDelete( NULL );
}// end fDoParticleDetector()
void DoTheBME680Thing( void *pvParameters )
  SPI.begin(); // initialize the SPI library
  vTaskDelay( 10 );
  if (!bme.begin()) {
    log_i("Could not find a valid BME680 sensor, check wiring!");
    while (1);
  // Set up oversampling and filter initialization
  bme.setGasHeater(320, 150); // 320*C for 150 ms
  //wait for a mqtt connection
  while ( !MQTTclient.connected() )
    vTaskDelay( 250 );
  xEventGroupSetBits( eg, evtWaitForBME );
  TickType_t xLastWakeTime    = xTaskGetTickCount();
  const TickType_t xFrequency = 1000 * 15; //delay for mS
  String bmeInfo = "";
  bmeInfo.reserve( 100 );
  for (;;)
    x_eData.Temperature  = bme.readTemperature();
    x_eData.Temperature  = ( x_eData.Temperature * 1.8f ) + 32.0f; // (Celsius x 1.8) + 32
    x_eData.Pressure     = bme.readPressure();
    x_eData.Pressure     = x_eData.Pressure / 133.3223684f; //converts to mmHg
    x_eData.Humidity     = bme.readHumidity();
    x_eData.IAQ          = fCalulate_IAQ_Index( bme.readGas(), x_eData.Humidity );
    //log_i( " temperature % f, Pressure % f, Humidity % f IAQ % f", x_eData.Temperature, x_eData.Pressure, x_eData.Humidity, x_eData.IAQ);
    bmeInfo.concat( String(x_eData.Temperature, 2) );
    bmeInfo.concat( "," );
    bmeInfo.concat( String(x_eData.Pressure, 2) );
    bmeInfo.concat( "," );
    bmeInfo.concat( String(x_eData.Humidity, 2) );
    bmeInfo.concat( "," );
    bmeInfo.concat( String(x_eData.IAQ, 2) );
    xSemaphoreTake( sema_MQTT_KeepAlive, portMAX_DELAY );
    if ( MQTTclient.connected() )
      MQTTclient.publish( topicInsideInfo, bmeInfo.c_str() );
    xSemaphoreGive( sema_MQTT_KeepAlive );
    xSemaphoreGive( sema_PublishPM ); // release publish of dust density
    xSemaphoreTake( sema_mqttOK, portMAX_DELAY );
    mqttOK ++;
    xSemaphoreGive( sema_mqttOK );
    xQueueOverwrite( xQ_eData, (void *) &x_eData );// send data to display
    bmeInfo = ""; // empty the string buffer
    findDewPointWithHumidity( x_eData.Humidity, x_eData.Temperature );
    xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
    vTaskDelayUntil( &xLastWakeTime, xFrequency );
    // log_i( "DoTheBME280Thing high watermark % d",  uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( NULL ) );
  vTaskDelete ( NULL );
  Important to not set vTaskDelay/vTaskDelayUntil to less then 10. Errors begin to develop with the MQTT and network connection.
  makes the initial wifi/mqtt connection and works to keeps those connections open.
void MQTTkeepalive( void *pvParameters )
  sema_MQTT_KeepAlive   = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
  xSemaphoreGive( sema_MQTT_KeepAlive ); // found keep alive can mess with a publish, stop keep alive during publish
  MQTTclient.setKeepAlive( 90 ); // setting keep alive to 90 seconds makes for a very reliable connection, must be set before the 1st connection is made.
  TickType_t xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
  const TickType_t xFrequency = 250; //delay for ms
  for (;;)
    //check for a is-connected and if the WiFi 'thinks' its connected, found checking on both is more realible than just a single check
    if ( (wifiClient.connected()) && (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) )
      xSemaphoreTake( sema_MQTT_KeepAlive, portMAX_DELAY ); // whiles MQTTlient.loop() is running no other mqtt operations should be in process
      xSemaphoreGive( sema_MQTT_KeepAlive );
    else {
      log_i( "MQTT keep alive found MQTT status % s WiFi status % s", String(wifiClient.connected()), String(WiFi.status()) );
      if ( !(wifiClient.connected()) || !(WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) )
    //log_i( " high watermark % d",  uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( NULL ) );
    xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
    vTaskDelayUntil( &xLastWakeTime, xFrequency );
  vTaskDelete ( NULL );
void connectToMQTT()
  byte mac[5]; // create client ID from mac address
  WiFi.macAddress(mac); // get mac address
  String clientID = String(mac[0]) + String(mac[4]) ; // use mac address to create clientID
  while ( !MQTTclient.connected() )
    MQTTclient.connect( clientID.c_str(), mqtt_username, mqtt_password );
    vTaskDelay( 250 );
  MQTTclient.setCallback( mqttCallback );
  MQTTclient.subscribe  ( topicOK );
  MQTTclient.subscribe  ( topicRemainingMoisture_0 );
  MQTTclient.subscribe  ( topicWindSpeed );
  MQTTclient.subscribe  ( topicWindDirection );
  MQTTclient.subscribe  ( topicRainfall );
  MQTTclient.subscribe  ( topicWSVolts );
  MQTTclient.subscribe  ( topicWSCurrent );
  MQTTclient.subscribe  ( topicWSPower );
  MQTTclient.subscribe  ( topicDPnWI );
} //void connectToMQTT()
void connectToWiFi()
  int TryCount = 0;
  while ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED )
    WiFi.begin( SSID, PASSWORD );
    vTaskDelay( 4000 );
    if ( TryCount == 10 )
  WiFi.onEvent( WiFiEvent );
float findDewPointWithHumidity( float humi, float temperature )
  float ans =  (temperature - (14.55 + 0.114 * temperature) * (1 - (0.01 * humi)) - pow(((2.5 + 0.007 * temperature) * (1 - (0.01 * humi))), 3) - (15.9 + 0.117 * temperature) * pow((1 - (0.01 * humi)), 14));
  //log_i( "%f", ans );
  return ans;
void loop() { }

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