esp32c3 arduino BLE API

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esp32c3 arduino BLE API

Postby kb9nate » Wed Oct 06, 2021 4:12 pm

Is there a document somewhere that explains the BLE API implemented in Arduino for the ESP32C3?

In particular I am experimenting with the BLE5_periodic_advertising example and am trying to find the source file where esp_ble_gap_ext_adv_set_params() is located. I reference to the function in BLEAdvertising.cpp but then do not find where the function is declared anywhere.

Also trying to find the acceptable range of values for the esp_ble_gap_ext_adv_params_t.tx_power. I know it is an int8 but what format is the input in. For example if I set tx_power = 10 does that mean 10dBm? Or possibly 1.0dBm?

Most of my BLE experience has been with the Silicon Labs BLE ICs and for them when setting the power level it is the number/10. So 10dBm would be tx_power = 100.

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