Bluetooth serial out using arduino for printing images faces an issue of data loss when wifi not connected.

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Bluetooth serial out using arduino for printing images faces an issue of data loss when wifi not connected.

Postby JEFFIN MATHEW » Fri Jan 29, 2021 7:13 am

byte receivedBytes;
receivedBytes =;
recBuff[Recv_count] = receivedBytes;
bluetooth_rx_complt = 1;

if(Recv_count == 8192)
recBuff[Recv_count] ='\0';
Serial.write((const uint8_t*)recBuff,/Recv_count);
Recv_count = 0;
state = FREE;
recBuff[Recv_count] ='\0';
data_Sout_count = Recv_count;
Recv_count = 0;
bluetooth_rx_complt = 0;

Serial.write((const uint8_t*)recBuff,data_Sout_count);

return 1;
return 0;

Can it possible to serial out( Serial.write() ) when a large data is coming to the receiver queue of Bluetooth. I actually declared the Bluetooth queue as 27200(in bytes) now. I printed images with some play store applications successfully, but when large images comes it could only print almost 80 or 90% of original images when wifi(STA) is in disconnected stage.Is any one have suggestion over this issue?

I send 500kb text file through RAW Bt apk from playstore but it prints almost 300kb not full data. :|

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