FreeRTOS+CLI(c) for ESP32, and RMT peripheral for Radio Codes (ISM RF band)

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FreeRTOS+CLI(c) for ESP32, and RMT peripheral for Radio Codes (ISM RF band)

Postby abel-lisco » Sun Jan 10, 2021 9:44 pm

We just posted a Github repository that might be of interest for some ESP32 Arduino users.

It contains:
- a modified version of the FreeRTOS+CLI(c), that can be used with the Arduino IDE to build a cli based application with the ESP32 under the Arduino IDE.
- an Arduino interactive sketch (RMTRC), that uses the RMT peripheral to send and receive Radio Codes, as used by RF remote controls in the ISM RF bands (433Mhz, 315Mhz, etc). It allows to send RC codes using the RMT peripheral and the RC-Switch(c) library. It also receives and decodes Radio Codes using the RC-Switch(c) library and the RMT peripheral. It used the FreeRTOS+CLI(c) as the foundation for the cli user interface.
- an Arduino interactive sketch, ledc-h, that provides a cli to access ESP-IDF(c) API for quick prototyping or configuration tests. It provides support for most of driver/ledc.h APIs, and esp32-hal-ledc. It allows you to reproduce one of the examples in the ledc_example.c example of ESP-IDF. It is also based on FreeRTOS+CLI(c).

we hope you find it useful

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