BLE_scan: scans after first one don't return correct info

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BLE_scan: scans after first one don't return correct info

Postby ESP32Toad » Wed Sep 30, 2020 12:48 am

Quick summary: BLE scans for advertising packets return something wrong after the first scan (first scan returns correct packets)
running Neil Kolbans Examples>ESP32 BLE Arduino>BLE_Scan.ino example on a 1.0.4 ESP32 IDF, Arduino IDE 1.8.14 hourly 2020/09/23

Using it to passively scan for advertising packets from Govee H5074 thermometer+humidity sensors ... 473&sr=8-2

These send out a message every second, and every other or so message contains actual sensor data (temp, humidity) The other ones contain other manufacturer data.

For the sensor data containing packets I know that
esp_ble_gap_cb_param_t➟scan_rst.scan_rsp_len=11 and
esp_ble_gap_cb_param_t➟scan_rst.adv_data_len=29 total length = 40

And for the other packets
scan_rsp_len=27 and adv_data_len=29 total length = 56 (no sensor data)

When I run the code below, which is quite short, the first scan returns proper data as expected.
Here, each Govee_H5074_XXXX sensor is identified in its name by XXXX=last 4 digits of its device address
You can see that we regularly get an advertising packet from various devices with sensor data (and in between length 56 packets)

after the first scan terminates and pBLEScan➟start() is called subsequently, the stack consistently returns
scan_rsp_len=0 and adv_data_len=29 total length=29
packets which is wrong.

Now, I don't know whether the bug exists in Neils C++ wrapper class or in the underlying esp_ble_**** calls.
It appears his BLEScan::start() basically does this: ... LEScan.cpp

Is that correct, is it enough ? If so, is the failure to deliver any advertisements in subsequent scans with scan_rsp_len>0 in the handleGAPevent callback (ESP_GAP_SEARCH_INQ_RES_EVT) the fault of the esp_ble stack ?

Starting scan...
Govee_H5074_C0A6 length[56] sensor data!
Govee_H5074_C0A6 length[56] sensor data!
Govee_H5074_C0A6 length[56] sensor data!

Starting scan...
Govee_H5074_C0A6 length[29] sensor data!
Govee_H5074_C0A6 length[29] sensor data!
Govee_H5074_C0A6 length[29] sensor data!
Govee_H5074_C0A6 length[29] sensor data!
Govee_H5074_C0A6 length[29] sensor data!
Govee_H5074_C0A6 length[29] sensor data!
Govee_H5074_C0A6 length[29] sensor data!
Govee_H5074_C0A6 length[29] sensor data!

Starting scan...
Govee_H5074_C0A6 length[29] sensor data!
Govee_H5074_C0A6 length[29] sensor data!
Govee_H5074_C0A6 length[29] sensor data!
Govee_H5074_C0A6 length[29] sensor data!
Govee_H5074_C0A6 length[29] sensor data!
...and so on and so on

Code: Select all

#include <BLEDevice.h>
#include <BLEUtils.h>
#include <BLEScan.h>
#include <BLEAdvertisedDevice.h>
BLEScan* pBLEScan;

long getLongFromByteArray(byte* bytes, int position) {
  long result = bytes[position + 1] * 256 + bytes[position];
  return result;

class MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks: public BLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks {
    void onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice advertisedDevice) {
      String deviceName( advertisedDevice.getName().c_str() );
      // devicename is something like Govee_H5074_C0A6
      // H5074= type of govee device
      // C0A6 = last four digits of this device address
      if ( deviceName.startsWith( "Govee_H5074_" ) )  {
        unsigned long pll = advertisedDevice.getPayloadLength();
        uint8_t* payload  = advertisedDevice.getPayload();

        if( pll!=40 )
          Serial.printf( "%s length[%d] sensor data!\n", advertisedDevice.getName().c_str(), pll );
        // we see length 29, 40, 56 packets for Govees (adv_data_len=29 always, scan_rsp_len=0,11,27 resp.
        // only the length 40 packets actually contain sensor data in the ESP_BLE_AD_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC_TYPE (0xFF)
        // Sensor data for govee = 88:EC:00:19:09:5C:15:64:02
        //                                  ^^^^^ temperature
        //                                        ^^^^^ humidity
        //                                              ^^ battery level 
        if ( pll == 40 )  {
          double celsius = ((double)getLongFromByteArray(payload, 34 )) / 100.0;
          double fahrenheit = (celsius * 9.0 / 5.0) + 32.0;
          double relativeHumidity = ((double)getLongFromByteArray(payload, 36)) / 100.0;
          int battery = payload[38];
          Serial.printf( "{\"name\":\"%s\",\"celsius\":%.1lf,\"fahrenheit\":%.1lf,\"humidity\":%.1lf,\"battery\":%d}\n",
                   deviceName.c_str(),  celsius,  fahrenheit, relativeHumidity, battery );

void setup() {
  pBLEScan = BLEDevice::getScan(); //create new scan
  pBLEScan->setAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks(new MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks(), true /* wantDuplicates ? yes */);
  pBLEScan->setActiveScan(false); //active scan uses more power, but get results faster
  pBLEScan->setWindow(99);  // less or equal setInterval value

void loop()  {
  int scanTime = 10; //In seconds
  Serial.printf( "\nStarting scan...\n" );
  BLEScanResults foundDevices = pBLEScan->start(scanTime, false);
  delay( 10000 );

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