I2C bufer up to 258 byte

Posts: 11
Joined: Thu May 21, 2020 1:19 am

I2C bufer up to 258 byte

Postby VadimKHL » Mon Aug 24, 2020 3:37 pm

Tell me how to properly edit the library of the I2C bus in order to increase the receive-transmit buffer to 258 bytes.
The problem is that the description of the buffer size is an 8 bit variable:

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Joined: Mon Jun 04, 2018 2:47 pm

Re: I2C bufer up to 258 byte

Postby PeterR » Mon Aug 24, 2020 3:59 pm

The problem is that the description of the buffer size is an 8 bit variable:
The rx & tx lengths all seem to be uint16_t and so it would seem that you just need to increase I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH
& I also believe that IDF CAN should be fixed.

Posts: 11
Joined: Thu May 21, 2020 1:19 am

Re: I2C bufer up to 258 byte

Postby VadimKHL » Tue Aug 25, 2020 12:48 pm

Simply changing I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH to 258 didn't work. Made the following changes (###VadimKHL):

Code: Select all

  TwoWire.h - TWI/I2C library for Arduino & Wiring
  Copyright (c) 2006 Nicholas Zambetti.  All right reserved.

  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  Lesser General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

  Modified 2012 by Todd Krein (todd@krein.org) to implement repeated starts
  Modified December 2014 by Ivan Grokhotkov (ivan@esp8266.com) - esp8266 support
  Modified April 2015 by Hrsto Gochkov (ficeto@ficeto.com) - alternative esp8266 support
  Modified November 2017 by Chuck Todd <stickbreaker on GitHub> to use ISR and increase stability.

#ifndef TwoWire_h
#define TwoWire_h

#include <esp32-hal.h>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/queue.h"
#include "Stream.h"

#define STICKBREAKER 'V1.1.0'
#define I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH 258 // ###VadimKHL 128 -> 258.
typedef void(*user_onRequest)(void);
typedef void(*user_onReceive)(uint8_t*, int);

class TwoWire: public Stream
    uint8_t num;
    int8_t sda;
    int8_t scl;
    i2c_t * i2c;

    uint16_t rxBuffer[I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH];  // ###VadimKHL: uint8_t -> uint16_t.
    uint16_t rxIndex;
    uint16_t rxLength;
    uint16_t rxQueued; //@stickBreaker

    uint16_t txBuffer[I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH]; // ###VadimKHL: uint8_t -> uint16_t.
    uint16_t txIndex;
    uint16_t txLength;
    uint16_t txAddress;
    uint16_t txQueued; //@stickbreaker

    uint8_t transmitting;
    /* slave Mode, not yet Stickbreaker
            static user_onRequest uReq[2];
            static user_onReceive uRcv[2];
        void onRequestService(void);
        void onReceiveService(uint8_t*, int);
    i2c_err_t last_error; // @stickBreaker from esp32-hal-i2c.h
    uint16_t _timeOutMillis;

    TwoWire(uint8_t bus_num);
    bool begin(int sda=-1, int scl=-1, uint32_t frequency=0); // returns true, if successful init of i2c bus
      // calling will attemp to recover hung bus

    void setClock(uint32_t frequency); // change bus clock without initing hardware
    size_t getClock(); // current bus clock rate in hz

    void setTimeOut(uint16_t timeOutMillis); // default timeout of i2c transactions is 50ms
    uint16_t getTimeOut();

    uint8_t lastError();
    char * getErrorText(uint8_t err);

    //@stickBreaker for big blocks and ISR model
    i2c_err_t writeTransmission(uint16_t address, uint8_t* buff, uint16_t size, bool sendStop=true);
    i2c_err_t readTransmission(uint16_t address, uint8_t* buff, uint16_t size, bool sendStop=true, uint32_t *readCount=NULL);

    void beginTransmission(uint16_t address);
    void beginTransmission(uint8_t address);
    void beginTransmission(int address);

    uint8_t endTransmission(bool sendStop);
    uint8_t endTransmission(void);

    uint8_t requestFrom(uint16_t address, uint16_t size, bool sendStop);    // ###VadimKHL: uint8_t size -> uint16_t size
    uint8_t requestFrom(uint16_t address, uint16_t size, uint8_t sendStop); // ###VadimKHL: uint8_t size -> uint16_t size
    uint8_t requestFrom(uint16_t address, uint16_t size);                   // ###VadimKHL: uint8_t size -> uint16_t size
    uint8_t requestFrom(uint8_t address, uint16_t size, uint8_t sendStop);  // ###VadimKHL: uint8_t size -> uint16_t size
    uint8_t requestFrom(uint8_t address, uint16_t size);                    // ###VadimKHL: uint8_t size -> uint16_t size
    uint8_t requestFrom(int address, int size, int sendStop);
    uint8_t requestFrom(int address, int size);

    size_t write(uint8_t);
    size_t write(const uint8_t *, size_t);
    int available(void);
    int read(void);
    int peek(void);
    void flush(void);

    inline size_t write(const char * s)
        return write((uint8_t*) s, strlen(s));
    inline size_t write(unsigned long n)
        return write((uint8_t)n);
    inline size_t write(long n)
        return write((uint8_t)n);
    inline size_t write(unsigned int n)
        return write((uint8_t)n);
    inline size_t write(int n)
        return write((uint8_t)n);

    void onReceive( void (*)(int) );
    void onRequest( void (*)(void) );

    uint32_t setDebugFlags( uint32_t setBits, uint32_t resetBits);
    bool busy();

extern TwoWire Wire;
extern TwoWire Wire1;

V1.1.0 08JAN2019 Support CPU Clock frequency changes
V1.0.2 30NOV2018 stop returning I2C_ERROR_CONTINUE on ReSTART operations, regain compatibility with Arduino libs
V1.0.1 02AUG2018 First Fix after release, Correct ReSTART handling, change Debug control, change begin()
  to a function, this allow reporting if bus cannot be initialized, Wire.begin() can be used to recover
  a hung bus busy condition.
V0.2.2 13APR2018 preserve custom SCL,SDA,Frequency when no parameters passed to begin()
V0.2.1 15MAR2018 Hardware reset, Glitch prevention, adding destructor for second i2c testing
But now the error appeared:
no matching function for call to 'TwoWire::writeTransmission(uint16_t&, uint16_t*, int, bool&)'


Please, help

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