App freezing, seeking workaround

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App freezing, seeking workaround

Postby DannyBackx » Fri Feb 01, 2019 8:56 pm


I tried to find help earlier to determine why my code sometimes blocks in gettimeofday(&xx, 0). Nobody seems to have seen this. Let's ask another question.

My main thread appears to block in such a call :

Code: Select all

    ESP_LOGI(peer_tag, "%s %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
    if (gettimeofday(&nowtv, NULL) == 0) {                      // <-- crash ! (this is line 1149)
    ESP_LOGI(peer_tag, "%s %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
I (8702294) Peers: ImageServerStartTask
I (8702294) Peers: NetworkConnected 117
I (8702304) Peers: QueryPeers 1124
I (8702304) Peers: QueryPeers 1142
I (8702304) Peers: QueryPeers 1148
Nothing after that in the log. The esp32 doesn't die completely though, it still responds to ping.

I assume that the main thread is somehow blocked.

Is it a good idea to implement my own watchdog to work around this ? If yes, do I kill and restart the main task in some way ?

Thanks for any help


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