Any Status on analogWrite() ?

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Joined: Mon Jan 22, 2018 8:11 pm

Any Status on analogWrite() ?

Postby mrmonteith » Fri Feb 16, 2018 4:41 pm

I've been playing around with a couple of different ESP32 devices. I would like to be able to showcase them against some of the Arduino devices. People complain about the memory on some of their Arduino projects etc. Here I have some nice ESP32 devices that can run circles around them processing, memory, and I/O wise that I'd like to show. But in several cases I'm running against issues compiling. I do fine with the usual Blink sketches etc. But I take some complex sketches with analog and when I change boards from any Arduino to the ESP32 boards they blow up all over the place.

I know I keep reading about an analogWrite coming but that's been around quite some time. I would think by now it would have been solved. Is there some place I can keep up with the development of that or get a status? I have several ESP32 boards that I could test against if they need someone to help test.


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Joined: Tue Jan 23, 2018 4:56 pm

Re: Any Status on analogWrite() ?

Postby mistergreen » Sat Feb 17, 2018 6:20 am

Use Ledcwrite for now. The benefite is you can define bit-rate easily.

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