Serial monitor strange behavior started after recent updates

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Serial monitor strange behavior started after recent updates

Postby rodd01 » Wed Oct 30, 2024 5:52 pm

I have a setup where an esp32 DOIT dev board rev1 is connected to a TFT display and an nRF24L01.
The objective is to receive sensor data for remote units via radio and display these values.
The sketch has been working for more than two years without problems, but from time to time I decide to correct minor bugs and/or add more fetures to it.
Last revision was on January 2024 and no problems were found.
Recently I updated the libraries and board files and made some cosmetic changes to the code.
To my suprise, only two lines are printed in the Serial monitor of a total of more than 100 lines of debug information which the code is generating.
I have contacted the autors of the two libraries used in the code (thmr20 for RF24 and Bodmer for TFT_eSPI for the TFT) and it seems there are no known issues with the libraries, but I found on some forums that you made revision to the board files that are causing some issues.
Can anyone here help?
The code is below;

Code: Select all

//------End of Comments-------------

#include <TFT_eSPI.h> // Hardware-specific library

//   In the TFT_ESPI user_setup.h file                  //&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
//   be sure to comment OUT the line for TFT_CS         //   <======== BE SURE TO DO THIS EVERYTIME A NEW COMPUTER IS USED
//   //#define TFT_CS   21  // Chip select control pin  //             OR the library is Re-installed
// ###!!!!Jan 2024 see notes on ...D:\Eletronica\Arduino\SketchBook\libraries\TFT_eSPI_Setups

// load RF related libraries
#include "printf.h"                  // Added Jan 2024
#include "SPI.h"
#include "nRF24L01.h"                // Added Jan 2024
#include "RF24.h"
//???? #include "RF24Network.h"      //Commented Jan 2024

//----- Using faster Graphic Library
TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI();       // Invoke TFT custom library

// *************My setup for Harware SPI for ILI9341***************
// The pins used by the TFT display are defined in the user_setup.h file
// ####### DO NOT ERASE THIS #######
//      TFT_MISO 19
//      TFT_MOSI 23
//      TFT_SCLK 18
//      TFT_CS    15  
//      TFT_DC    2  // Data Command control pin
//      TFT_RST   4  // Reset pin (could connect to RST pin)

//----- define RF24L01 variables ###### CHANGED IN JAN 2024######################## nRF24L01 pin definitions changed#####################

#define RF24_CSN 16 // ####### New Radio pinout#######
#define RF24_CE 17  // ####### New Radio pinout#######

//======= in old layout board the pins are:=======
//???#define RF24_CSN 3 
//???#define RF24_CE 1    

//???uint8_t address[][6] = {"Prime", "1Node", "2Node" };  // using tmhr20 example
long long unsigned addresses[5] = { 0x00D00FAFFA, 0x00D00FAFFB, 0x00D00FAFFC, 0x00D00FAFFD, 0x00D00FAFFE }; // cisterna = pipe0 caixa = pipe1
uint8_t pipeNum;       // used in checkPipe()   Jan 2024

RF24 radio(RF24_CE,RF24_CSN);    // NRF24L01 used SPI pins radio (CE, CSN)
const uint16_t channel = 108;    //changed on Marco2021

// Structure of our payload
// ESP32 group data in 4 bytes chunks, so data structure has to be rearranged 

//The data to be transmitted by lower and upper water tanks modules is:
//         type       cisterna     caixa superior
//        -------    ----------    --------------
//  1      float     Irms          auxVol   (last pumping cycle volume)
//  2      float     flow          flow
//  3      float     Pdisch        totalLiters
//  4      float     DpFilter      flowPoco (added July 2023)
//  5      float     Pinlet        dummy2
//  6      float     lampCurrent   dummy4  //added in March 2021
//  7      int       rawDp         rawDp
//  8      bool      flapstate     dummy3

// In Jan 2024 rev 0 on, dummy variables on Cx Superior will be assigned a value 0f -100, which will
// be used by the receiver to identify the data belongs to Caixa Superior

// Structure of our payload
struct payload_t      // 32 bytes max,  used=7*4+2+1 = 31 bytes OK! corrected March 2023
  uint32_t  counter;  // - 4 bytes number of packets transmitted
  float     val1;     // - 4 bytes
  float     val2;     // - 4 bytes
  float     val3;     // - 4 bytes
  float     val4;     // - 4 bytes
  float     val5;     // - 4 bytes
  float     val6;     // - 4 bytes
  int16_t   val7;     // - 2 bytes
  bool      val8;     // - 1 byte

 payload_t payload;  // create a variable with the above structure

//******** Initialize and define variables ***************

unsigned long startTime;           //timer used to ckeck if data has been received
unsigned long clearTime = 90000;  // in milliseconds
unsigned long waitTime = 60000;   // in milliseconds
unsigned long pumpOnMillis =0;   // time when pump has been turned ON
unsigned long pumpOnDelay = 10000; // wait 10 s to check if the flow has been established normally
unsigned long lastCisternaTime;
unsigned long lastCaixaTime;
unsigned long dataLossTime = 60000;  // changed to 60 sec. Data is transmitted every second (Txtime in Cx & Cisterna) Jan 2024
unsigned long dataUpdateTime = 900; //Fev 2024 // each Tx is sending data every 1sec 
const int LCDinterval = 5000; //added in rev noDelays (03/2021)
unsigned long buzzer_millis_new;
unsigned long buzzer_millis_old;
unsigned long fault_ID_mil[7];
unsigned long fault_ID_mil_Old[7] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

bool flapState = LOW;
float Pdisch = 0.0;
float PdischLow = 0.5;  // Check value !!!! ***** added in June 2021

float flow[3] = {0.0, 0.0 , 0.0};
float totalLiters = 0.0;
float auxVol = 0.0;
float pumpFlowLow = 2.0;  // ***Check Value info added June 2021

int rawDp[3] = {0, 0 , 0};
int rawDpMin = 32;
int rawDpMax[3] = {0, 243 , 187}; // values changed in rev 2_A
int levelDp[3] = {0, 0 , 0};
int levelDpLow = 30; // critical level in %
int levelDpMin = 20; // minimal level in %
int levelDpWarning = 50; // warning leval in %

int cisternaRxLossTime; // current time (in sec) when Cisterna RX loss happened
int caixaRxLossTime;    // current time (in sec) when caixa RX loss happenend
int currentTime;        // current time (in sec) of internal clock 

float Irms = 0.0;
float current = 0.0;

float DpFilter = 0.0; // filter Dp in mmca
float DpFilter_max = 700.0; // was 600.0 changed in July 2023 (better display in Bar Graph)
float kFilter;
float Pinlet = 0.0;
float PinletLow = 1.0;  // Changed in rev 3A- this variable has no useful purpose
float lampCurrent = 0.0;
float lampCurrentLow = 0.1;

float dummy1 = 0.0;
float dummy2 = 0.0;
bool  dummy3 = LOW;
float dummy4 = 0.0;

uint32_t packetReceived[3] = {0,0,0}; // 1= cisterna, 2= caixa   Jan 2024
uint32_t packetReceivedOld[3] = {0,0,0};
uint32_t nPacketsLost[3] = {0,0,0};

bool faultStatus = LOW;
bool warningStatus = LOW;
bool ackAlarmStatus = LOW;
bool delayRunning = LOW;
bool pump_State = LOW;
bool last_Pump_State = LOW;
bool flowDelay = LOW;
bool clearDataFlag = true;    // Feb 2024 check if we will decide to clear the current values of buffers
bool cisternaRxLoss = false; // this is used to change text colour to yellow
bool caixaRxLoss = false;
bool buzzer_ON_OFF_Toggle = LOW;    //is buzzer ON or OFF
bool buzzer_Status = LOW;
bool levelWarningStatus = LOW;

int x = 1;
unsigned long t1;
unsigned long t2;

//----FlowMin[]--------CHECK ACTUAL VALUES MEASURED BY THE FLOW SENSORS!!!-----------------
// average flowrate to reservoir 1 is 4.0 l/min --- let's set the alarm @ 50% of normal flowrate, so flowMin[1] = 2.0
// Calculated flowrate for the installed pump is 20 l/min --- let's set the alarm @ 50% of normal flowrate, so flowMin[2] = 10.0
float flowMin[3] = { 0.0 , 1.3 , 10.0 }; // minimum flow values used to trigger alarm condition  // <=======Min flow changed to 1.3 

//----Toggle button & Misc stuff----
int buzzerState=0;
int alarm_Button_New;
int alarm_Button_Old=1;
//???int ack_Button_New;
//???int ack_Button_Old=1;
int dt=100;
bool fault_ID[12] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 };    // revised March 2024
bool fault_ID_Old[12] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; // revised March 2024
unsigned long fault_ID_millis[6] = {0,0,0,0,0,0};
unsigned long time_between_failures = 3600000;
int i= 1;

//------  Set s flag to define if Debug messages should be sent to Seria Port (active HIGH)
bool serialPrintFlag = true;  //   <================================= Set DEBUG flag here

// Set a Flag to simulate that data is being received (active HIGH)
bool simulateInputData = LOW;   //  <================================ Use this to input data to the sketch

//------Define Pin numbers for buttons & LEDs
const int pump_On_Pin = 26;
const int alarm_On_Pin = 12;
const int alarm_Toggle_Button_Pin = 13;
const int ack_Alarm_Button_Pin = 33;
const int buzzerPin = 25;
const int fault_Led_Pin = 27;
const int warning_Led_Pin = 14;  

//------Display without delay variables and definitions-------------------
unsigned long previousLCDMillis = 0;    // for LCD screen update
unsigned long lcdInterval = 10000;
int screen = 0;   
int screenMax = 2;  //was 1 changed in July 2023
bool screenChanged = true;   // initially we have a new screen,  by definition
// defines of the screens to show
#define PROCESS_VARIABLES       0
#define DISPLAY_FAULTS          1
#define DRAW_GRAPH              2

// Define RCT variables added DEc 2022
float dummyTime;
int hVal;
int minVal;

// ------BarGraph variables and initial calculations--------
  int valueBlock[4];
  int posBlock[4];
  int prevPosBlock[4];
  uint16_t blockColor;
// Editable Variables
  bool displayValues = true;                           // EDIT - Display Value of Blocks?  
  uint16_t graphColor = TFT_BLUE;                      // EDIT - Prefered Colour of Graph
//???  uint16_t blockColor = TFT_GREEN;                // EDIT - Prefered Colour of Blocks  <===== Bars can be green, yellow or red depending on value  
  String graphBlock[] = {"Cst", "Cx", "l/m", "DP" };   // EDIT - Names of Blocks 
  int graphRange = 100;                                // EDIT - Max possible number of block, eg Potentiometer = from 0 to 1024, so 1024 <==Changed to 100 (graphs in %)=======
  int numberOfBlocks = 4;                              // EDIT - Number of Blocks to display
  int dx= 52; // move x axis information to the right to correct display error

//-- calculate graph parameters-----
  const int numberOfMarks = (numberOfBlocks * 2); // calculates amount of lines that mark x axis
  const int originX = 52; // the origin of the graph on the x axis        // Chosen value 
  const int originY = 280; // the origin of the graph on the y axis      //  ==> 320 (Height) -50 (for the Graph title) = 270 
  const int sizeX = 180; // the size of the chart on the x axis (lenght) // ==> 240 (width) - 60 (for the y axis value) = 180
  const int sizeY = 230; // the size of the chart on the y axis (height) // ==> 320 (height) - 40 (for the Graph title) - 50 (for the Graph title) = 230   
  int boxSize = (sizeX / numberOfMarks); // calculates the size between the marks
  int mark[] = {(dx+boxSize), (dx+boxSize * 2), (dx+boxSize * 3), (dx+boxSize * 4), (dx+boxSize * 5), (dx+boxSize * 6), (dx+boxSize * 7), (dx+boxSize * 8)}; // calculates the position of the marks
  const int minorSizeY = (originY + 10); // calculates the y origin of the marks
  const int minorSizeX = (originX - 10); // calculates the x origin of the numbers
//???  int numberSize = (sizeY / 6); // calculates the size between the numbers
//???  int number[] = {numberSize, (numberSize * 2), (numberSize * 3), (numberSize * 4), (numberSize * 5), (numberSize * 6)}; // calculates the position of the numbers
//???  int numberValue = (graphRange / 6); // calculates the value per number
//???  int val[] = {graphRange, (numberValue * 5), (numberValue * 4), (numberValue * 3), (numberValue * 2), numberValue}; // calculates the value of each number
//      change y marks from 6 to 5 
  int numberSize = (sizeY / 5); // calculates the distance between each Y axis div
  int number[] = {numberSize, (numberSize * 2), (numberSize * 3), (numberSize * 4),(numberSize * 5)}; // calculates the position of Y axis divisions
  int numberValue = (graphRange / 5); // calculates the value of one Y axis div
  int val[] = {graphRange, (numberValue * 4), (numberValue * 3), (numberValue * 2), numberValue}; // Y axis values

void setup() //-------------SETUP-------------------------------
// ----define Led pins as outputs
  pinMode(alarm_On_Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pump_On_Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(alarm_Toggle_Button_Pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(ack_Alarm_Button_Pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(warning_Led_Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(fault_Led_Pin, OUTPUT);
// it seems that Arduino IDE does not define the pins as outputs so we do it manuallly here 
  pinMode(TFT_CS, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(TFT_CS, HIGH);
  pinMode(RF24_CSN, OUTPUT);     // check if it is required
  pinMode(RF24_CE, OUTPUT);      // check if it is required
  digitalWrite(RF24_CSN, HIGH);  // check if it is required
//-----Start Serial Communication-------
  Serial.begin(115200); // start serial communication

//-----Start TFT, set rotation and background color------

 // -----Start nRF24L01---------
// check if nRF24L01 was initialized on SPI bus (ADDED Jan 2024)
   if (!radio.begin()) {
   if (serialPrintFlag == true) Serial.println(F("radio hardware is not responding!!"));
//???   tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK); // check if it is required
   tft.println(F("radio not found"));
//???  network.begin(channel, this_node);   //Commented Jan 2024
  radio.setPALevel(RF24_PA_HIGH);      // Added Jan 2924 ??? Is it valid for an Rx?
  radio.setDataRate( RF24_250KBPS );  //added on rev 3C

//########## we will open all pipes to see if we can find two that works #############

    radio.openReadingPipe(1,addresses[0]);  // All added on Feb 2024
  radio.startListening();             //added on rev 3C
 //------- Initialize display------------------ Welcome Message----------------------------------------
  tft.setCursor(0, 0);
  tft.println(F("Rev4 BarGraph"));
  tft.println(F(" "));
  tft.println(F(" "));
  tft.println(F("Two Pipes"));
  tft.println(F(" "));
  // Check if data input is simulated and print warning message
  if (simulateInputData == HIGH)
   {   tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_RED);
       tft.println(F("DATA READ SIMULATED"));
// Set value for the timers monitoring Cisterna & Caixa data packets were received
 startTime = millis();   // start the timer
 lastCisternaTime = millis();  // start Cisterna RX timer
 lastCaixaTime = millis();     // start Caixa RX timer

  // For debugging radio info
   if(serialPrintFlag == true){
  printf_begin();             // needed only once for printing details
  radio.printDetails();       // (smaller) function that prints raw register values
//????  radio.printPrettyDetails(); // (larger) function that prints human readable data // error compiling in laptop


} //------ this is the end of Setup

void loop() //-----------------LOOP------------------------------------


// -------Calculate output variables from raw data ---------
   levelDp[1]  = map(rawDp[1], rawDpMin, rawDpMax[1], 0, 100);
   levelDp[2]  = map(rawDp[2], rawDpMin, rawDpMax[2], 0, 100); 
   kFilter = DpFilter / sq(flow[1]) ;

//------Light warning LEDs and Sound Buzzer--------------

// -----Check if there are abnormal conditions in the system

//---Display data------

// sound buzzer if FAULT 7 had occured ----     Added REv 3A Dez 2021
 if (buzzer_ON_OFF_Toggle ==HIGH && levelWarningStatus == HIGH)

}   //-----------this is the end of the loop

// getRadioData          // get data from transmitters
void getRadioData(){

  if (pipeNum == 1){    // Changed Jan 2024 check pipe 1 => Cisterna
    getCisternaData();       // Changed Jan 2024

  if (pipeNum == 2){  // Changed Jan 2024 check pipe 2 => Caixa
    getCaixaData();         // Changed Jan 2024
 //--------node connection check----------------
 // if the conn with one of the Txs is lost, lastCisternaTime and/or lastCisternaTime
 // will NOT BE UPDATED so we can check this to detect a problem

 if ( (millis() - lastCisternaTime) > dataLossTime){
     cisternaRxLoss = true;
     cisternaRxLossTime = millis()/1000;
     if (serialPrintFlag == true){ 
      Serial.print("******Cisterna Conn Failure***** ");
      Serial.print(" time= ");
      Serial.println("=== Clearing Cisterna Data ===");
   else { cisternaRxLoss = false;}

 if ( (millis() - lastCaixaTime) > dataLossTime){
     caixaRxLoss = true;
     caixaRxLossTime = millis()/1000 ;
     if (serialPrintFlag == true){ 
      Serial.print("******Caixa Conn Failure***** ");
      Serial.print(" time= ");
      Serial.println("=== Clearing Caixa Data ===");
   else { caixaRxLoss = false;}  
if (serialPrintFlag == true)
}    // end getRadioData

// getCisternaData()          // get data from Cisterna
void getCisternaData(){    //####MAJOR CHANGE IN 01/02/2024 ########
//  tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_RED);    // Commented Jan 2024
//------Read Cisterna Data-------  
if(serialPrintFlag == true) Serial.println("------Reading Cisterna Data-----");  //          <==================Reading Cisterna Data Message

   packetReceived[1] = payload.counter;

  //????   if( packetReceived[1] > packetReceivedOld[1] ){
// Check if connection is lost: Caixa data should be updated at last every 60 seconds
  if ( (millis() - lastCisternaTime) > dataUpdateTime){             
// this is new data  
      if(serialPrintFlag == true){ 
      Serial.print("-- This is new Data---");
      Serial.print("   Time= ");
// update Cisterna Data 
    Irms    =     payload.val1;
    flow[1] =     payload.val2;
    Pdisch =      payload.val3;
    DpFilter =    payload.val4;
    Pinlet   =    payload.val5;
    lampCurrent = payload.val6;
    rawDp[1] =    payload.val7;
    flapState =   payload.val8;

// check how many packets were lost
    nPacketsLost[1] = packetReceived[1]- packetReceivedOld[1] ;
    lastCisternaTime = millis();   // restart the Cisterna RX timer
    packetReceivedOld[1] = packetReceived[1];
    clearDataFlag = false;
    cisternaRxLoss = false;   
   }  // end of new data based on packet #
  else { // some packages were lost!!!
    nPacketsLost[2] = packetReceived[2]- packetReceivedOld[2] ;
    cisternaRxLoss = true;
     if(serialPrintFlag == true){ 
      Serial.print("-- WARNING NUMBER OF PACKETS LOST = ");

  if (serialPrintFlag == true)
}    // end getCisternaData    
// getCaixaData()          // get data from Caixa
void getCaixaData(){     //####MAJOR CHANGE IN 01/02/2024 ########
if (serialPrintFlag == true) {  Serial.println("---------Reading Caixa Data--------");}  //<==================Reading caixa Data Message
   packetReceived[2] = payload.counter;

// Check if connection is lost: Caixa data should be updated at last every second
    if ( (millis() - lastCaixaTime) > dataUpdateTime){
// this is new data    
      if(serialPrintFlag == true){ 
      Serial.print("-- This is new Data---");
      Serial.print("   Time= ");
// update Caixa Data    
    auxVol  =        payload.val1;   // this is the batch volume 
    flow[2] =        payload.val2;
    totalLiters =    payload.val3;
    flow[0]=         payload.val4;  // Chaged in July 2023
    dummy1=          payload.val5;
    dummy2=          payload.val6;
    rawDp[2] =       payload.val7;
    dummy3 =         payload.val8;

// check how many packets were lost
    nPacketsLost[2] = packetReceived[2]- packetReceivedOld[2] ;
    packetReceivedOld[2] = packetReceived[2];
    lastCaixaTime = millis();   // restart the Caixa RX timer
    clearDataFlag = false;
    caixaRxLoss = false;  
    } // end of new data based on packet #
  else { // some packages were lost!!!
    nPacketsLost[2] = packetReceived[2]- packetReceivedOld[2] ;
    caixaRxLoss = true;
     if(serialPrintFlag == true){ 
      Serial.print("-- WARNING NUMBER OF PACKETS LOST = ");
//-------- for Debugging
   if (serialPrintFlag == true)
}      //--- end of getCaixaData

//        Display Function
 void display_Data()
  unsigned long currentLCDMillis = millis();
  if(currentLCDMillis - previousLCDMillis > lcdInterval)              // save the last time you changed the display
    previousLCDMillis = currentLCDMillis;
    if (screen > screenMax) screen = 0;  // all screens done? => start over
    screenChanged = true;

  if (screenChanged)  // -- only update the screen if the screen is changed.
    screenChanged = false; // reset for next iteration
    case DISPLAY_FAULTS:  // this screen should be displayed only if there are abnormal conditions 
      if (faultStatus == HIGH || warningStatus == HIGH) display_faults();  // changed March 2024 
    case DRAW_GRAPH:
      // cannot happen -> showError() ?
 }  //--- end of display_data
// display Variables
void display_variables() 
  // return background to black (needed after displaying the bargraph) and set cursor
 tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK); // moved from Cistena March 2024
  tft.setCursor(0, 0);
// customize output printing using node id for certain variables
// index           1            2
// place        cisterna      caixa

  dummyTime = Pinlet;
  minVal = dummyTime - 100.0*hVal;
  if(serialPrintFlag == true) Serial.println("hVal=  " + String(hVal) + " minVal= " + String(minVal) );
  if (cisternaRxLoss == true) tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_YELLOW); 
  tft.println("* CISTERNA *");
  tft.print("NIVEL= ");
  tft.println("  %");
  tft.print("l/min= ");
 if (Irms !=0) // Pump is ON
   tft.print ("CURR.= ");
   tft.print (Irms, 1);
   tft.println (" A");
   digitalWrite(pump_On_Pin, HIGH);
  else // Pimp is OFF
    tft.println("Pump is OFF");
    digitalWrite(pump_On_Pin, LOW);
   tft.print("Flap  ");
   if (flapState == LOW) tft.println ("CLOSED");
    else tft.println("OPEN");
  tft.print("Pdisch= ");
  tft.println (" ");
  tft.print("P_Inlet= ");
  tft.print("Dp Filter= ");
  kFilter = DpFilter / sq(flow[1]) ;   //-------Calculate Filter k ---------
  tft.print("K Filter= ");
  tft.print("UV Lamp (A)= ");
   tft.println (" ");
     if (caixaRxLoss == true) tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_YELLOW); 
  tft.println("** CX. SUP **");
  tft.print("NIVEL= ");
  tft.println("  %");
  tft.print("l/min= ");
  tft.print("ult bomb(l)= ");
  tft.print("vaz Poço= ");
  tft.print("Time= ");   // <====== End of pumping cycle Dez 2022
  if (minVal <10) tft.print("0");
 }  //---- end of display_variables

// Check Faults -- Identify possible faults in the system and turn alarm ON
 void check_faults(){
    faultStatus = LOW;
    warningStatus = LOW;  //-------------Added in Rev1 01/09/2019
// Start the pump cavitation/low flow check    
  pump_State = LOW;
// check if PUMP has been turned on and start flow delay timer
  if (Irms > 0.0) 
    pump_State = HIGH;
     if (pump_State == HIGH && last_Pump_State == LOW) 
      pumpOnMillis = millis();
      last_Pump_State = HIGH;
      flowDelay = HIGH;
       if ((millis() - pumpOnMillis) > pumpOnDelay) flowDelay = LOW; // this is HIGH while waiting to purge air from pump discharge pipe
   }                     // do this if pump is ON ONLY
  else last_Pump_State = LOW;

 //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Should be used for debug only+++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  Serial.println ("---------------------------------Faults---------------------------------------");
  Serial.println("checking pump State & Delay ");
  Serial.println("FAULT 1 & 2----- Nivel Baixo          nivel cisterna= "   + String(levelDp[1])    + " nivel caixa= "    + String(levelDp[2]));
  Serial.println("FAULT 3----- vaz mininha              vaz minima= "       + String(flow[1]));
  Serial.println("FAULT 4----- UV Failure               Lamp Current= "     + String(lampCurrent));
  Serial.println("FAULT 5------Pump Protection Failure  Irms "              + String(Irms)          + " Nivel Cisterna= " + String(levelDp[1]));
  Serial.println("FAULT 6----- RF LINK LOSS             Cisterna "          +String(cisternaRxLoss) + " Caixa "           + String(caixaRxLoss));
  Serial.println("fault 7------Check Level             nivel cisterna= " + String(levelDp[1])    + " nivel caixa= "    + String(levelDp[2]));
  Serial.println("fault 8------High Filter DP          Filter DP= "      + String(DpFilter));
  Serial.println("fault 9------No Flow with Pump ON    Irms= "           + String(Irms)          + " pumpOnMills= "    + String(pumpOnMillis) +  " flowDelay= "+ String(flowDelay));
  Serial.println("flaut 10-----Flap closed & pump ON   Irms= "           + String(Irms)          +  " flapState= "     + String(flapState)); 

// FAULT 1 --- low level in reservoir 1 (Cisterna)
if ( levelDp[1] < levelDpLow) {
   faultStatus = HIGH;
   fault_ID[1] = HIGH;
  else {
   faultStatus = LOW;
   fault_ID[1] = LOW;

// FAULT 2 --- Low level in reservoir 2 (Caixa)
if (levelDp[2] < levelDpLow ) {
   faultStatus = HIGH;
   fault_ID[2] = HIGH;
  else {
   faultStatus = LOW;
   fault_ID[2] = LOW;

// FAULT 3 --- Low flow to reservoir 1 (Cisterna)
 if ( flow[1] <= flowMin[1] ){
   faultStatus = HIGH;
   fault_ID[3] = HIGH;
  else {
   faultStatus = LOW;
   fault_ID[3] = LOW;

// FAULT 4--- UV Lamp Current too low
 if ( lampCurrent < lampCurrentLow ){
   faultStatus = HIGH;
   fault_ID[4] = HIGH;
  else {
   faultStatus = LOW;
   fault_ID[4] = LOW;

 // FAULT 5 -- Pump on with low level in reservoir 1
  if ( Irms > 0.0 && levelDp[1] <= levelDpMin) {
   faultStatus = HIGH;
   fault_ID[5] = HIGH;
   else {
   faultStatus = LOW;
   fault_ID[5] = LOW;

 //  FAULT 6 ---RF Link Loss   //Added in June 2021
  if ( caixaRxLoss == HIGH || cisternaRxLoss == HIGH )
    faultStatus = HIGH;
    fault_ID[6] = HIGH;
  else {
   faultStatus = LOW;
   fault_ID[6] = LOW;

// -----This is the beginning of the warnings section-------------------------------

// FAULT 7 -- Level in Reservoirs 1 or 2 below normal
  if ( levelDp[1] <= levelDpWarning || levelDp[2] <= levelDpWarning) 
  if ( fault_ID[1] == LOW && fault_ID[2] == LOW )  // check if the levels are NOT in the VERY LOW condition to set Warning 
    warningStatus = HIGH;
    levelWarningStatus = HIGH;
    fault_ID[7] = HIGH;
  else {
    levelWarningStatus = LOW;
    fault_ID[7] = LOW;
 //FAULT 8 -- Pressure drop very high in Filter
 if ( DpFilter > DpFilter_max ){
   warningStatus = HIGH;
   fault_ID[8] = HIGH;
   else {
    levelWarningStatus = LOW;
    fault_ID[8] = LOW;
// FAULT 9 -- low or no flow (after 60 sec) with pump on 
  if (Irms > 0.0 && flowDelay == LOW  && flow[2] <= flowMin[2]){
    warningStatus = HIGH;
    fault_ID[9] = HIGH;
   else {
    levelWarningStatus = LOW;
    fault_ID[9] = LOW;

 // FAULT 10 -- Flap closed with pump ON 
 if ( Irms > 0.0 && flapState == LOW){
   warningStatus = HIGH;
   fault_ID[10] = HIGH;
   else {
    levelWarningStatus = LOW;
    fault_ID[10] = LOW;
// FAULT 11 (old definition) --- Filter Inlet Pressure too low (air in pipe)
// ----This Warning was delete since it makes no sense

// FAULT 11 (New definition) -- Pump Cavitation ( Pump ON AND (low Pdisch OR low flow to reservoir 2 )
//--- first implementation in JUNE 2021--- check if works before adding to critical faults
 if ( Irms > 0.5 && ( Pdisch <= PdischLow || flow[2] <= pumpFlowLow )) {
    warningStatus = HIGH;
    fault_ID[11] = HIGH;
   else {
    levelWarningStatus = LOW;
    fault_ID[11] = LOW;

//  --- Check if there are faults and/or warnings and turn ON the corresponding LEDs
if( warningStatus == HIGH ) digitalWrite(warning_Led_Pin, HIGH);
  else digitalWrite(warning_Led_Pin, LOW);             
if( faultStatus == HIGH) digitalWrite(fault_Led_Pin, HIGH);
  else digitalWrite(fault_Led_Pin, LOW);

if (serialPrintFlag == true)
  Serial.println ("---------------------------Fault Status Indicators-------------------------");
  Serial.println ("faultStatus= "    +String(faultStatus));
  Serial.println ("warningStatus= "  +String(warningStatus));
 } // ----- end of check faults

// Display Faults -- Display the faults in the system 
 void display_faults(){
// Prepare display to show faults
   tft.setCursor(0 ,0);
   tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_RED);  tft.setTextSize(2);  

//RF link loss is the most critical fault so other faults related to zero value variables makes no sense
// So this will be the first fault to be checked

 //  FAULT 6 ---RF Link Loss   //Added in June 2021
 if (fault_ID[6] == HIGH){
   if ( caixaRxLoss == HIGH ){
   tft.println("**CAIXA LINK LOSS**");
   tft.print(" time= "); 
   tft.print(" currentTime= ");
   tft.println(" ");
 if ( cisternaRxLoss ==HIGH ){
  tft.println("***CIST LINK LOSS***");
  tft.print(" time= "); 
  tft.print(" currentTime= ");
  tft.println(" ");
 // FAULT 1 --- low level in reservoir 1 (Cisterna)
if (fault_ID[1] == HIGH){
  tft.println("VERY LOW LEVEL IN"); 
  tft.print("Cisterna = ");
  tft.println(" %");
  tft.println(" ");

// FAULT 2 --- Low level in reservoir 2 (Caixa)
if (fault_ID[2] == HIGH){
  tft.println("VERY LOW LEVEL IN");
  tft.print("Caixa Sup = ");
  tft.println(" %");
  tft.println(" ");

 // FAULT 3 --- Low flow to reservoir 1 (Cisterna)
if (fault_ID[3] == HIGH){
  tft.println("LOW FLOW TO CISTERNA");
  tft.print("Flow(l/m) = "); 
  tft.println (flow[1]);
  tft.println(" ");

// FAULT 4--- UV Lamp Current too low
if (fault_ID[4] == HIGH){
  tft.println("LOW UV LAMP CURRENT");
  tft.print("lampCurrent = "); 
  tft.print (lampCurrent);
  tft.println(" A");
  tft.println(" ");

 // FAULT 5 -- Pump on with low level in reservoir 1
if (fault_ID[5] == HIGH){
  tft.print("level = ");
  tft.println(" %");
  tft.println(" ");

// -----This is the beginning of the warnings section-------------------------------

// Change Text colour to yellow
 // FAULT 7 -- Level in Reservoirs 1 or 2 below normal
 if (fault_ID[7] == HIGH){     
    tft.println("CHECK LEVEL");
    if (levelDp[1] <= levelDpWarning) 
     tft.print("Cisterna= ");
     tft.println(" %");
   if (levelDp[2] <= levelDpWarning)
    tft.print("Caixa= ");
    tft.println(" %");
    tft.println(" ");
 //FAULT 8 -- Pressure drop very high in Filter
  if (fault_ID[8] == HIGH){   
  tft.println("HIGH FILTER DP");
  tft.print("DpFilter = "); 
  tft.println (DpFilter);
  tft.println(" ");

// FAULT 9 -- low or no flow (after 60 sec) with pump on
  if (fault_ID[9] == HIGH){ 
  tft.println("PUMP LOW FLOW FAIL");
  tft.print("Flow(l/min) = ");
  tft.println(" ");  

 // FAULT 10 -- Flap closed with pump ON
   if (fault_ID[10] == HIGH){  
  tft.println("FLAP CLOSED FAILURE");
  tft.print("Flow(l/m) = "); 
  tft.print("Current= ");
  tft.print(Irms, 1);
  tft.println(" A");
  tft.println(" ");

// FAULT 11 (New definition) -- Pump Cavitation ( Pump ON AND (low Pdisch OR low flow to reservoir 2 )
//--- first implementation in JUNE 2021--- check if works before adding to critical faults
  if (fault_ID[11] == HIGH){ 
  tft.println("PUMP CAVITATION");
  tft.print("Pdisch = "); 
  tft.println (Pdisch);
  tft.print("Vazao(l/m) = "); 
  tft.println (flow[2]);
  tft.println(" ");

// Changed in the July 2023 Rev - no need to Clear screen, just display the "no faults detected" message
//If no faults were detected, print message

  if (faultStatus == LOW && warningStatus == LOW) {
//???   tft.fillScreen(ILI9341_BLACK);   //commented out in July 2023
   tft.setCursor(4, 0);  // changed July 2023
   tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_GREEN);  tft.setTextSize(3);
   tft.println("NO FAULTS");
   delay(1000);      // Added in Rev 3C ***Check if it is required
}  //--- end of display_faults()

//       beep_Buzzer 
void beep_Buzzer(){
   if (t2-t1 >=2000)
    if (serialPrintFlag == true)Serial.println ("millis= " +String(millis())+ "   x= " + String(x));

// input_Data()            

// &&&&& USE FOR DEBUGGING ONLY &&&&&&&&&&
// Use this fuction to input data to the receiver to test code

 void input_Data(){
 Serial.println(" Simulating Operation ");
 tft.print("Simulating   Operation");
 delay (1000);
// Values that will be used as received
 Serial.println(" Cisterna Data ");
    Irms    =     0.0;   // Pump OFF
    flow[1] =     2.0;   // Normal Contition
    Pdisch =      2.6;   // Pump OFF 
    DpFilter =    100.0; // Norm =100, max= 600
    Pinlet   =    856.0;  // This variable is used for time. Value = 100*hour + minutes
    lampCurrent = 0.17;  // Lamp ON
    rawDp[1] =    200;   // Normal Operation (Max=243 , warrning=50%, Low=30%, min= 20%)
    flapState =   HIGH;   // Pump OFF

  cisternaRxLoss = LOW; // Cisterna RF Link OK
Serial.println(" Caixa Data");
    auxVol  =     0.0;   // Not used for alarms   ==>his is the batch volume 
    flow[2] =     2.1;   // min= 2.0
    totalLiters = 0.0;   // Not used for alarms 
    flow[0]=      7.6;   // Added in July 2023 (vazao do poço)
    dummy1=       0.0;   // Not used for alarms
    dummy4=       0.0;   // Not used for alarms
    rawDp[2] =    170; // Normal Operation (Max=187 , warrning=50%, Low=30%, min= 20%)
    dummy3 =      LOW;

 caixaRxLoss = LOW; // Caixa RF Link OK
//???    clearDataFlag = false;  // check if required

// Print values used in this simulation
Serial.println ("clearDataFlag= " + String(clearDataFlag));
Serial.println ("levelDp[1]= " + String(levelDp[1]));
Serial.println ("levelDp[2]= " + String(Irms));
Serial.println ("Irms= " + String(Irms));
Serial.println ("rawDp[1]= " + String(rawDp[1]));
Serial.println ("Pdisch= " + String(Pdisch));
Serial.println ("DpFilter= " + String(DpFilter));
Serial.println ("Pinlet= " + String(Pinlet));
Serial.println ("kFilter= " + String(kFilter));
Serial.println ("auxVol= " + String(auxVol));
Serial.println ("flow[2]= " + String(flow[2]));
Serial.println ("totalLiters= " + String(totalLiters));
Serial.println ("lampCurrent= " + String(lampCurrent));

}  // This is the end of input_Data

//        Buzzer_and_Leds()

//-----------Check buttons, Light Led's & sound buzzer when required
 void Buzzer_and_Leds(){

// Toggle BUZZER ON/OFF and display LED status accordingly
 alarm_Button_New = digitalRead(alarm_Toggle_Button_Pin);
 if(alarm_Button_Old == 0 && alarm_Button_New == 1)
    if (buzzer_ON_OFF_Toggle == LOW)
    buzzer_ON_OFF_Toggle = HIGH;
    tft.fillScreen(ILI9341_BLACK);    // used in test alarm
    tft.setCursor(0, 0);
    tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_RED);  tft.setTextSize(3);
    tft.println("BUZZER IS ON");
    digitalWrite(alarm_On_Pin, LOW);
    buzzer_ON_OFF_Toggle = LOW;
    tft.fillScreen(ILI9341_BLACK);  // used in test alarm
    tft.setCursor(0, 0);
    tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_RED);  tft.setTextSize(3);
    tft.println("BUZZER IS OFF");
} // this is the end of buzzer & LEDs function

//    drawGraph()
void drawGraph()
// initial definitions


  // draw title
  tft.setCursor(10, 10);
  tft.println(F("Lvls,Flow & DP (%)"));
  tft.print(F("l/m= "));
  tft.print(F(" DP= "));
  // draw outline
  tft.drawLine(originX, originY, (originX + sizeX), originY, graphColor);
  tft.drawLine(originX, originY, originX, (originY - sizeY), graphColor);

  // draw lables
  for(int i = 0; i < numberOfMarks; i++)
    tft.drawLine(mark[i], originY, mark[i], minorSizeY, graphColor);

  // draw label names
  for(int i = 0; i < numberOfMarks; i += 2)
    tft.setCursor((mark[i] + 6), (originY + 10));
    tft.println(graphBlock[i / 2]);

  // draw numbers
  for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) // was 6
    tft.drawLine(originX, (originY - number[i]), minorSizeX, (originY - number[i]), graphColor);

  // draw values of Y axis marks
  // for some reason numbers are in the wrong position
  //let's add a "correction offset" as was done in the X axis
  int  dy =-46; // worked!
  for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) // was 6
    tft.setCursor((minorSizeX - 30), (number[i] + numberSize +dy));

  // get the values of the sensors   <========== COMMENT THIS SECTION AFTER TESTING=================================
  valueBlock[0] = map(analogRead(A14),0,1024,0,100);
  valueBlock[1] = map(analogRead(A15),0,1024,0,100);
  valueBlock[2] = map(analogRead(A14),0,1024,0,100);
  valueBlock[3] = map(analogRead(A15),0,1024,0,100);

// get the value of the variables to be displayed
  valueBlock[0] = levelDp[1];
  valueBlock[1] = levelDp[2];
  valueBlock[2] = map(flow[1],0,6,0,100);      // Assumed max lowrate = 6.0 l/min
  valueBlock[3] = map(DpFilter,0,700,0,100); //  Assumed Dp_max= 700 mmH2O
  // map the sensor values to the graph size 
  for(int i = 0; i < numberOfBlocks; i++)
    posBlock[i] = map(valueBlock[i], 0, graphRange, originY, (originY - sizeY));  

  // draw the blocks - draw only if value differs and select colour  <===== This was changed 
  for(int i = 0; i < numberOfBlocks; i++)
// The blocks need to be drawn ALWAYS 
//???    if(posBlock[i] > (prevPosBlock[i] + 2) || posBlock[i] < (prevPosBlock[i] - 2))
//???    {
      prevPosBlock[i] = posBlock[i];
      tft.fillRect((mark[i * 2] + 1), (originY - sizeY), (boxSize - 1), sizeY, TFT_WHITE);
// for levels and flow, low values should be RED for Filter DP high values are RED and low values are GREEN
    if (i<=2)
    if ( valueBlock[i] >= 50 ) blockColor = TFT_GREEN;
    if ( valueBlock[i] < 50 && posBlock[i] >= 30) blockColor = TFT_YELLOW;
    if (valueBlock[i] < 30 ) blockColor = TFT_RED;
    if ( valueBlock[i] >= 50 ) blockColor = TFT_RED;
    if (valueBlock[i] < 30 ) blockColor = TFT_GREEN;
    tft.fillRect((mark[i * 2] + 1), posBlock[i], (boxSize - 1), (originY - posBlock[i]), blockColor);
//???    }

  // display values of sensors if mode selected
    for(int i = 0; i < numberOfMarks; i += 2)
      tft.setCursor((mark[i] + 5), (originY - 20));
      tft.setTextColor(TFT_BLACK, TFT_WHITE);   // changed
      tft.println(valueBlock[i / 2]);
 } // --- end of drawGraph

//    checkPipe -------- check if there is data available in a pipe and read it
// source:
void checkPipe()
//??? uint8_t pipeNum; //<-------- moved to global variable
  Serial.print("Got data on pipe= ");
//    printSerial_1 -------- check if there is data available in a pipe and read it
void printSerial_1()
    Serial.print("---------getting radio data from pipe= ");
    Serial.println("  -----------------------");
    Serial.print("----time = ");
    Serial.print("val0= ");
    Serial.print("val1= ");
    Serial.print(" val2= ");
    Serial.print(" val3= ");
    Serial.print(" val4= ");
    Serial.print(" val5= ");
    Serial.print(" val6= ");
    Serial.print(" val7= ");
    Serial.print(" val8= ");

//    printCisternaData -------- check if there is data available in a pipe and read it
void printCisternaData()
   Serial.println("----------Cisterna Data----------- ");
    Serial.print("packetReceivedOld[1]= ");
    Serial.print("packetReceived[1]= ");
    Serial.print("nPacketsLost[1]= ");
    Serial.print("val0= ");
    Serial.print("val1= ");
    Serial.print(" val2= ");
    Serial.print(" val3= ");
    Serial.print(" val4= ");
    Serial.print(" val5= ");
    Serial.print(" val6= ");
    Serial.print(" val7= ");
    Serial.print(" val8= ");
       Serial.print("cisternaRxLoss ");
       Serial.print(" millis= ");
       Serial.print(" lastCisternaTime= ");

//    printCisternaData -------- check if there is data available in a pipe and read it
void printCaixaData()
 Serial.println("-------Caixa Data------- ");
    Serial.print("packetReceivedOld[2]= ");
    Serial.print("packetReceived[2]= ");
    Serial.print("nPacketsLost[2]= ");
    Serial.print("val0= ");
    Serial.print("val1= ");
    Serial.print(" val2= ");
    Serial.print(" val3= ");
    Serial.print(" val4= ");
    Serial.print(" val5= ");
    Serial.print(" val6= ");
    Serial.print(" val7= ");
    Serial.print(" val8= ");
        Serial.print("caixaRxLoss ");
       Serial.print(" millis= ");
       Serial.print(" lastCaixaTime= ");
// clearCisternaData() used to clear data in case of communication failure with Cistena node
void clearCisternaData()
    Irms    =     0.0;
    flow[1] =     0.0;
    Pdisch =      0.0;
    DpFilter =    0.0;
    Pinlet   =    0.0;
    lampCurrent = 0.0;
    rawDp[1] =    0;
    flapState =   LOW;
    hVal = 0;
    minVal = 0;   

// clearCaixaData() used to clear data in case of communication failure with caixa node
void clearCaixaData()
    auxVol  =     0.0;   
    flow[2] =     0.0;  
    totalLiters = 0.0;   
    flow[0]=      0.0;
    dummy1=       0.0;  
    dummy4=       0.0;   
    rawDp[2] =    0;
    dummy3 =      LOW;    

Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Oct 14, 2024 10:38 am

Re: Serial monitor strange behavior started after recent updates

Postby horace99 » Sun Nov 03, 2024 12:11 pm

there have been problems with some libraries with migration from ESP32 Arduino Core 2.x to 3.0 ... o_3.0.html
you have probably been updated to Core V3.0.7
using Tools>Board>Board Manger try reinstalling V2.0.17
if your project then works you have identified the problem

Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Oct 30, 2024 5:34 pm

Re: Serial monitor strange behavior started after recent updates

Postby rodd01 » Mon Nov 04, 2024 6:19 pm

The problem was SOLVED when I UNINSTALLED the current board version and installed version 2.0.17

Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Oct 30, 2024 5:34 pm

Re: Serial monitor strange behavior started after recent updates

Postby rodd01 » Sun Dec 01, 2024 8:51 pm

Unfortunately this solution only worked for the very simple test sketch I was using to see if several messages could be printed on the serial monitor.
When I used the REAL code, I had there messages at boot time:
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x400805e4]
[ 5][D][esp32-hal-cpu.c:244] setCpuFrequencyMhz(): PLL: 480 / 2 = 240 Mhz, APB: 80000000 Hz
[ 318][E][esp32-hal-cpu.c:110] addApbChangeCallback(): duplicate func=0x400d860c arg=0x3ffbdc3c

and from hundreds of lines of messages only three lines are printed in a loop (always the same lines), even using board file 2.17.0.
The "real" code has been running on the field for years, so please do not imply that there is some error in it.

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