ESP32 Devkit v1; Goes to deep sleep, immediately resets --Solved!

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ESP32 Devkit v1; Goes to deep sleep, immediately resets --Solved!

Postby ab9nq-william » Tue Feb 13, 2024 3:52 pm

Github project code

Have resolved deep sleep and wakeup issues.

Removed RTC_IO configuration and changed CSN to GPIO17.

Last edited by ab9nq-william on Wed Feb 28, 2024 10:13 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: ESP32 Devkit v1; Goes to deep sleep, immediately resets

Postby lbernstone » Tue Feb 13, 2024 5:49 pm

Looks like the interrupt pin is low when you put the device to sleep, so it triggers the ext0 wakeup.

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Re: ESP32 Devkit v1; Goes to deep sleep, immediately resets

Postby ab9nq-william » Tue Feb 13, 2024 7:04 pm

Set to: rtc_gpio_pullup_en(INTERRUPT_PIN); goes from 66.05 mA awake to 10.999 mA in deep sleep. No attempt to lower current has been done.

Unable to wake from deep sleep now. -- Solved!

Updated Github project code

Last edited by ab9nq-william on Thu Feb 22, 2024 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ESP32 Devkit v1; Goes to deep sleep, immediately resets

Postby ab9nq-william » Wed Feb 14, 2024 1:44 am

Monitored voltage on/off cycle on CE/SS and CSN; result moved CE/SS to GPIO15 and CSN to GPIO22.

New SPI pins allow turning on and off "battery" LED.

Lost Deep Sleep according to wakeup reason:

Code: Select all


CPU0 reset reason:
CPU1 reset reason:
Boot number: 1

Gets here... setup

Interrupt gets here...

Battery power switched ON
ESP32 wake from Deep Sleep

Interrupt gets here...

Battery power switched OFF
ESP32 going to Deep Sleep



CPU0 reset reason:
CPU1 reset reason:
Boot number: 1

Gets here... setup
Goes from"ESP32 going to Deep Sleep" to "ESP32_nRF24L01_IRQ_Receiver.ino" almost immediately.

Monitoring deep sleep current; current does not drop, in"deep sleep."

Updating Github code 8:42 PM EST.

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Location: Indianapolis, IN

Re: ESP32 Devkit v1; Goes to deep sleep, unable to wake

Postby ab9nq-william » Wed Feb 14, 2024 12:58 pm

Continued to troubleshoot project code. Able to do one cyce of on and off; go into deep sleep, unable to wake.

Changed CE/SS to GPIO22 and CNS to GPIO15. Made some code changes. Updated Receiver code on Github to 02/14/2024 @ 08:45 AM EST.

Code: Select all

//  ESP32_nRF24L01_IRQ_Receiver.ino  William Lucid 02/04/2024 @ 21:07 EST
//  Based on RF24 library example "InterruptConfigure"
//  Example:  Author: Brendan Doherty (2bndy5)
//  Addition code, references, guidance, and lots of help:  Google's Bard.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <nRF24L01.h>
#include <RF24.h>
#include <printf.h>
#include "esp_sleep.h"
#include "soc/rtc_cntl_reg.h"
#include "soc/rtc.h"
#include "esp32/rom/rtc.h"
#include <driver/rtc_io.h>
#include <driver/gpio.h>

#define MOSI 23
#define MISO 19
#define SCK  18
#define SS   22
#define CSN  15


#define INTERRUPT_PIN_BITMASK 0x100000000 // 2^33 in hex

#define relayPin 21

RTC_DATA_ATTR int bootCount = 0;

void print_reset_reason(int reason)
  switch ( reason)
    case 1 : Serial.println ("POWERON_RESET");break;          /**<1,  Vbat power on reset*/
    case 3 : Serial.println ("SW_RESET");break;               /**<3,  Software reset digital core*/
    case 4 : Serial.println ("OWDT_RESET");break;             /**<4,  Legacy watch dog reset digital core*/
    case 5 : Serial.println ("DEEPSLEEP_RESET");break;        /**<5,  Deep Sleep reset digital core*/
    case 6 : Serial.println ("SDIO_RESET");break;             /**<6,  Reset by SLC module, reset digital core*/
    case 7 : Serial.println ("TG0WDT_SYS_RESET");break;       /**<7,  Timer Group0 Watch dog reset digital core*/
    case 8 : Serial.println ("TG1WDT_SYS_RESET");break;       /**<8,  Timer Group1 Watch dog reset digital core*/
    case 9 : Serial.println ("RTCWDT_SYS_RESET");break;       /**<9,  RTC Watch dog Reset digital core*/
    case 10 : Serial.println ("INTRUSION_RESET");break;       /**<10, Instrusion tested to reset CPU*/
    case 11 : Serial.println ("TGWDT_CPU_RESET");break;       /**<11, Time Group reset CPU*/
    case 12 : Serial.println ("SW_CPU_RESET");break;          /**<12, Software reset CPU*/
    case 13 : Serial.println ("RTCWDT_CPU_RESET");break;      /**<13, RTC Watch dog Reset CPU*/
    case 14 : Serial.println ("EXT_CPU_RESET");break;         /**<14, for APP CPU, reseted by PRO CPU*/
    case 15 : Serial.println ("RTCWDT_BROWN_OUT_RESET");break;/**<15, Reset when the vdd voltage is not stable*/
    case 16 : Serial.println ("RTCWDT_RTC_RESET");break;      /**<16, RTC Watch dog reset digital core and rtc module*/
    default : Serial.println ("NO_MEAN");

int data;

bool irqFlag = false;

struct payload_t {
  int switchState;  

payload_t incoming;

// to use different addresses on a pair of radios, we need a variable to
// uniquely identify which address this radio will use to transmit
bool radioNumber = 1;  // 0 uses address[0] to transmit, 1 uses address[1] to transmit

// Used to control whether this node is sending or reSSiving
bool role = false;  // true = TX role, false = RX role

// For this example, we'll be using a payload containing
// a string that changes on every transmission. (sucSSssful or not)
// Make a couple arrays of payloads & an iterator to traverse them
const uint8_t tx_pl_size = 5;
const uint8_t ack_pl_size = 4;
uint8_t pl_iterator = 0;
// The " + 1" compensates for the c-string's NULL terminating 0
//char tx_payloads[][sizeof(incoming) + 1] = { "Ping ", "Pong ", "Radio", "1FAIL" };
char ack_payloads[][ack_pl_size + 1] = { "Yak ", "Back", " ACK" };

RF24 radio(SS, CSN, 4000000);  // set SPI speed to 4MHz instead of default 10MHz

uint8_t address[][6] = { "1Node", "2Node" };  //Byte of array representing the address. This is the address where we will send the data. This should be same on the reSSiving side. 

void IRAM_ATTR gpio_isr_handler(void* arg) {
  irqFlag = true;  // Set the flag here

void interruptHandler();  // prototype to handle IRQ events
//void printRxFifo();       // prototype to print RX FIFO with 1 buffer

void setup() {

  while (!Serial) {};


  //Increment boot number and print it every reboot
  Serial.println("\n\nBoot number: " + String(bootCount));

  Serial.println("\nCPU0 reset reason:");

  Serial.println("CPU1 reset reason:");


  //pinMode(CSN, INPUT);
  //digitalWrite(CSN, LOW);

  pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT);

  esp_sleep_pd_config(ESP_PD_DOMAIN_RTC_PERIPH, ESP_PD_OPTION_ON);

  esp_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup(INTERRUPT_PIN, GPIO_INTR_LOW_LEVEL); 

  // Configure pin for interrupt  ... in setup() or elsewhere
  gpio_config_t io_conf;
  io_conf.intr_type = GPIO_INTR_NEGEDGE;  // Trigger on falling edge (LOW)
  io_conf.pin_bit_mask = (1ULL << INTERRUPT_PIN);
  io_conf.mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT;
  io_conf.pull_up_en = GPIO_PULLUP_ENABLE;  // Enable internal pullup resistor

  gpio_install_isr_service(0);  // Install GPIO interrupt service
  gpio_isr_handler_add(INTERRUPT_PIN, gpio_isr_handler, (void*)INTERRUPT_PIN);

  //attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(INTERRUPT_PIN), interruptHandler, FALLING);
  // IMPORTANT: do not call radio.available() before calling
  // radio.whatHappened() when the interruptHandler() is triggered by the
  // IRQ pin FALLING event. According to the datasheet, the pipe information
  // is unreliable during the IRQ pin FALLING transition.

  rtc_gpio_set_direction(INTERRUPT_PIN, RTC_GPIO_MODE_INPUT_ONLY);
  rtc_gpio_hold_dis(INTERRUPT_PIN); //disable hold before setting the level
  rtc_gpio_set_level(INTERRUPT_PIN, HIGH);  // Set output high

  SPI.begin(SCK, MISO, MOSI, SS);

  radio.begin(SS, CSN);
  // For this example we use acknowledgment (ACK) payloads to trigger the
  // IRQ pin when data is reSSived on the TX node.
  // to use ACK payloads, we need to enable dynamic payload lengths
  radio.enableDynamicPayloads();  // ACK payloads are dynamically sized

  // Acknowledgement packets have no payloads by default. We need to enable
  // this feature for all nodes (TX & RX) to use ACK payloads.
  // Fot this example, we use the same address to send data back and forth

  // set the TX address of the RX node into the TX pipe
  radio.openWritingPipe(address[radioNumber]);  // always uses pipe 0

  // set the RX address of the TX node into a RX pipe
  radio.openReadingPipe(1, address[!radioNumber]);  // using pipe 1

  // setup for RX mode

  // let IRQ pin only trigger on "data ready" event in RX mode
  radio.maskIRQ(1,1,0);  // args = "data_sent", "data_fail", "data_ready"

  // Fill the TX FIFO with 3 ACK payloads for the first 3 reSSived
  // transmissions on pipe 1
  radio.writeAckPayload(1, &ack_payloads[0], ack_pl_size);
  radio.writeAckPayload(1, &ack_payloads[1], ack_pl_size);
  radio.writeAckPayload(1, &ack_payloads[2], ack_pl_size);

  // For debugging info
  // printf_begin();             // needed only onSS for printing details
  // radio.printDetails();       // (smaller) function that prints raw register values
  // radio.printPrettyDetails(); // (larger) function that prints human readable data

void loop() 

  for(int x = 1;x < 2;x++){  
    Serial.println("\nNo deep sleep\n");
    while(irqFlag != true){}
  if (irqFlag == true) 

    irqFlag = false;
    bool tx_ds, tx_df, rx_dr;                 // declare variables for IRQ masks
    radio.whatHappened(tx_ds, tx_df, rx_dr);  // get values for IRQ masks

    {, sizeof(incoming));
      int data;
      data = incoming.switchState;    
      if (data == 1) {
        data = 0;
        digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH);
        Serial.println("\nBattery power switched ON");
        Serial.println("ESP32 wake from Deep Sleep\n");
      if (data == 2) {
        data = 0;
        digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);
        Serial.println("\nBattery power switched OFF");
        Serial.println("ESP32 going to Deep Sleep");
        //digitalWrite(INTERRUPT_PIN, HIGH);
        delay(100);  //Required to get ready
        Serial.println("This will never be printed");

void deepSleep(){

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Location: Indianapolis, IN

Re: ESP32 Devkit v1; Goes to deep sleep, immediately resets

Postby ab9nq-william » Wed Feb 21, 2024 12:46 am

02/20/2024 Updated project files to Github Repository. nRF24L01, transmitter and receiver have successfully turned “relay” LED on and off. Wakeup and Deep Sleep have been accomplished.

Short video of nRF24L01+ Project

Feedback is welcome and appreciated.

“ESP32_nRF24L01_Remote_Relay” Project code

Fixed Wakeup issue of being unable to wake from deep sleep by simplifying sketch; removed GPIO_IO configuration and changed GPIO pin connections.


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