Bluetooth Serial with iPhone

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Bluetooth Serial with iPhone

Postby BinaryPoet » Wed Feb 07, 2024 9:45 am

I have implemented a firmware based on the the Bluetooth Serial following the examples provided here.

On the main page it is said that apps for Android and iOS are available (in particular hm10-bluetooth-serial-lite for iOS).

Everything works with Windows and Android but with iOS it looks impossible to pair and connect the ESP32 device.

Looking at this post it looks like the Serial Bluetooth does not work with iOS but the post is from 2019. I found everything quite confusing, it was possible to use iOS in the past and now it does not work? In the app store there are several apps for bluetooth serial but none of them seem to work with ESP32.

Is it possible to make the ESP32 BluetoothSerial work with iOS?

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