ESP32 - I2C Scanner using Arduino IDE (working)

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ESP32 - I2C Scanner using Arduino IDE (working)

Postby jgustavoam » Sat Feb 17, 2018 3:17 pm

Picture of circuit ( ESP32 DEVKIT) : ... 409004158/

I did my first test with I2C Interface using Arduino IDE. And it works !
I2C scanner based on code of Nick Gammon
Very simple ! The I2C clock frequency is almost 100 KHz (97.96 KHz). I can't change this.

NOTE > PCF8574 - max frequency = 100 KHz (does not work with 400 KHz).
PCF8574 Datasheet = ... F8574A.pdf

Circuit Diagram - SDA = GPIO_21 and SCL = GPIO_22 .
Very Important = You MUST use Pullup Resistors of 3K3 ohms.

Without then it does not work ! I still do not know, how to configure (Arduino IDE) pullup internal resistors. Change jumpers A0,A1 and A2 to modify address. Default PCF8574 address is 0x20 ( Decimal 32).

Picture of circuit diagram: ... 409004158/

Decoding I2C Pulses with Logic Analyzer : ... 409004158/

I2C Scanner (Arduino IDE 1.8.5) :

Code: Select all

// ESP32 I2C Scanner
// Based on code of Nick Gammon
// ESP32 DevKit - Arduino IDE 1.8.5
// Device tested PCF8574 - Use pullup resistors 3K3 ohms !
// PCF8574 Default Freq 100 KHz 

#include <Wire.h>

void setup()
  Serial.begin (115200);  
  Wire.begin (21, 22);   // sda= GPIO_21 /scl= GPIO_22

void Scanner ()
  Serial.println ();
  Serial.println ("I2C scanner. Scanning ...");
  byte count = 0;

  for (byte i = 8; i < 120; i++)
    Wire.beginTransmission (i);          // Begin I2C transmission Address (i)
    if (Wire.endTransmission () == 0)  // Receive 0 = success (ACK response) 
      Serial.print ("Found address: ");
      Serial.print (i, DEC);
      Serial.print (" (0x");
      Serial.print (i, HEX);     // PCF8574 7 bit address
      Serial.println (")");
  Serial.print ("Found ");      
  Serial.print (count, DEC);        // numbers of devices
  Serial.println (" device(s).");

void loop()
  Scanner ();
  delay (100);


Console IDE (115200 Bps)

Code: Select all

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2
entry 0x40078a28

I2C scanner. Scanning ...
Found address: 32 (0x20)
Found 1 device(s).

I2C scanner. Scanning ...
Found address: 32 (0x20)
Found 1 device(s).
Retired IBM Brasil
Electronic hobbyist since 1976.

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Re: ESP32 - I2C Scanner using Arduino IDE (working)

Postby jgustavoam » Sun Feb 09, 2020 1:13 pm

If you do not intend to use external pullup resistors for the I2C interface, you can configure internal pullups.

ESP32 Arduino driver/i2c.h ... iver/i2c.h

i2c_config_t Struct

gpio_pullup_t sda_pullup_en; /*!< Internal GPIO pull mode for I2C sda signal*/
gpio_pullup_t scl_pullup_en; /*!< Internal GPIO pull mode for I2C scl signal*/

* @brief Configure GPIO signal for I2C sck and sda
* @param i2c_num I2C port number
* @param sda_io_num GPIO number for I2C sda signal
* @param scl_io_num GPIO number for I2C scl signal
* @param sda_pullup_en Whether to enable the internal pullup for sda pin
* @param scl_pullup_en Whether to enable the internal pullup for scl pin
* @param mode I2C mode
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error
esp_err_t i2c_set_pin(i2c_port_t i2c_num, int sda_io_num, int scl_io_num,
gpio_pullup_t sda_pullup_en, gpio_pullup_t scl_pullup_en, i2c_mode_t mode);
Retired IBM Brasil
Electronic hobbyist since 1976.

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