Based on a MH-ET LIVE MiniKit ESP32.
You can connect a cheap 128x64 I2C OLED and/or a ILI9341 SPI tft display to have some feedback on the display(s).
The ILI9341 displays optionally come with a XPT2046 touch controller which is supported.
-5 channels led dimming ( common anode ) at 1.22kHz with 16 bit ( 65535 steps ) resolution.
-50 timers per channel.
-Web interface to control the device.
-Automatic NTP timekeeping.
-Timezone support.
-1-Wire Maxim ( Dallas ) DS18B20 sensor support.
-I2C 128x64 SSD1306 OLED support.
-SPI 320x240 ILI9341 TFT support.
-XPT2046 touchscreen support.
-SPIFFS storage support.
-Temperature logging on SPIFFS.
-All settings are saved in NVS.
-Easily connect your controller to WiFi with the ESP8266 SmartConfig Android app.
Aquacontrol32 on GitHub.