MQTT Broker on ESP32

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MQTT Broker on ESP32

Postby bcatalin » Mon Jan 25, 2016 9:44 am


I've manged to port MQTT broker on ESP32 ( still in heavy development, and waiting for next SDK release).

Until now clients can subscribe to topics, publish to topics, PING is working.

Things to do:

We can see a video with broker in action on: ... esp32.html

I have also the same broker working on ESP8266 I will comeback with more details.

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Re: MQTT Broker on ESP32

Postby chrisfraser » Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:17 pm

This is fantastic. After testing the API my next challenge is MQTT. I was going to try port this:

Please share your code with us when you can. No problem if it is not complete.

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Re: MQTT Broker on ESP32

Postby kolban » Mon Oct 03, 2016 5:05 am

How does the project described in this thread compare (or is related to) this one:

Update: 2016-10-17: I was testing out Cesanta Mongoose libraries and they too have MQTT support. When I tested, it seemed to work just fine.

Update: 2016-10-18: Tested both Mongoose publish and subscribe with no obvious issues.

Update: 2016-10-18 - Just tried the JavaScript Espruino MQTT module ... again, no issues ... this is the script I tested:

Code: Select all

var ssid="RASPI3";
var password="password";

var wifi=require("Wifi");
wifi.connect(ssid, {password: password}, function() {
  console.log("Connected to access point");
  var mqtt = require("MQTT").create("");
  mqtt.on("connected", function() {
    console.log("MQTT connected");
    mqtt.on('publish', function (pub) {
      console.log("topic: "+pub.topic);
      console.log("message: "+pub.message);
  console.log("Doing a connect");
Free book on ESP32 available here:

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Re: MQTT Broker on ESP32

Postby mjmorrison » Sat Dec 10, 2016 12:19 am

Hey all,

I'm looking to use the Mongoose MQTT functionality to send data to a server.

Do you have sample code that worked with the ESP32? I messed with some defines in the mongoose.h file to make it behave as if the ESP32 was an ESP8266, but it's still getting some compilation errors.

Any advice would be much appreciated!

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Re: MQTT Broker on ESP32

Postby mjmorrison » Sat Dec 10, 2016 1:51 am

Did some digging and found @kolban's MQTT mongoose snippet here: ... /webserver

Going to dig into it early next week and see what there is to see!

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Re: MQTT Broker on ESP32

Postby kolban » Sat Dec 10, 2016 5:42 am

Be aware that the good guys at Cesanta who make Mongoose have said that they are "officially" porting Mongoose to the ESP32. That was a few weeks ago and I would contact them and ask then status. It may be available sooner than later. I've suspended my Mongoose tinkering leaving it to the professionals in that area to get the job done properly. You may want to hang back and be patient a while in order for them to get it right and properly documented.
Free book on ESP32 available here:

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Re: MQTT Broker on ESP32

Postby rojer9 » Tue Dec 27, 2016 4:34 pm

Mongoose MQTT broker and client already works, including one-click (ok, one CLI-command) AWS IoT onboarding, with optional ATECC508A crypto-chip support.

basically, if you want MQTT and/or AWS IoT, Mongoose is the way to go.

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Re: MQTT Broker on ESP32

Postby kolban » Tue Dec 27, 2016 4:51 pm

This is great news!!! Is there somewhere we can go and read about and download the ESP32 support of the projects? Maybe it is "just baked in" to the Github source?
Free book on ESP32 available here:

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Re: MQTT Broker on ESP32

Postby rojer9 » Tue Dec 27, 2016 6:01 pm

yes, everything has been checked in. ESP32 port is more or less complete, except JS (major rework here, for all archs) and OTA (coming in the next few weeks). i will then work on ESP32-specific stuff such as secure boot (very much interested in this myself)/

right now, check out the tuturials: ... les/c_mqtt

these have not been updated to mention esp32 yet, but just use "esp32" wherever it says "esp8266" and it should work.
it really is simple as 1-2-3 to get your device on AWS cloud, it's magic :)
rojer@nbt:~/cesanta/mongoose-iot/fw/examples/c_mqtt master$ miot build --arch esp32 && miot flash --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --firmware build/ && miot console --port /dev/ttyUSB0
Connecting to, user test
Uploading sources (3073 bytes)
Success, built c_mqtt/esp32 version 1.0 (20161227-175444/???).
Firmware saved to build/
Loaded c_mqtt/esp32 version 1.0 (20161227-175444/???)
Opening /dev/ttyUSB0...
Connecting to ESP32 ROM, attempt 1 of 10...
Running flasher @ 460800...
Flasher is running
Flash size: 4194304, params: 0x0220
3072 @ 0x8000 -> 0
695888 @ 0x10000 -> 626256
131072 @ 0x110000 -> 28672
8192 @ 0x1000
192512 @ 0x20000
434176 @ 0x50000
28672 @ 0x110000
Wrote 663552 bytes in 15.84 seconds (327.31 KBit/sec)
6560 @ 0x1000
3072 @ 0x8000
695888 @ 0x10000
131072 @ 0x110000
Booting firmware...
All done!
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57

ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
miot_init Init done, RAM: 160716 free, 160716 min free
rojer@nbt:~/cesanta/mongoose-iot/fw/examples/c_mqtt master$ miot config-set --port /dev/ttyUSB0 wifi.ap.enable=false wifi.sta.enable=true wifi.sta.ssid=Cesanta wifi.sta.pass=***
Getting configuration...
Setting new configuration...
rojer@nbt:~/cesanta/mongoose-iot/fw/examples/c_mqtt master$ miot aws-iot-setup --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --aws-region eu-west-1 --aws-iot-policy thing1-Policy && miot console --port /dev/ttyUSB0
AWS region: eu-west-1
Connecting to the device...
Current MQTT config: {
"clean_session": true,
"keep_alive": 60,
"pub": "/response",
"reconnect_timeout_max": 60,
"reconnect_timeout_min": 10,
"server": "",
"ssl_ca_cert": "",
"ssl_cert": "",
"ssl_key": "",
"sub": "/request",
"will_message": "",
"will_topic": ""
Generating certificate request, CN: miot-AEEPPUGGKE4RC1E6
Generating private key locally
Asking AWS for a certificate...
Certificate ID: 83f6be2d16f0e1849e07b3cd922d2fc0748439704715bfa13c65bbddcfa23b9e
Certificate ARN: arn:aws:iot:eu-west-1:493820262597:cert/83f6be2d16f0e1849e07b3cd922d2fc0748439704715bfa13c65bbddcfa23b9e
Wrote private key to aws-iot-83f6be2d16.key.pem
Wrote certificate to aws-iot-83f6be2d16.crt.pem
Attaching policy "thing1-Policy" to the certificate...
Uploading certificate...
Uploading key...
Uploading CA certificate...
New config: {
"clean_session": true,
"keep_alive": 60,
"pub": "/response",
"reconnect_timeout_max": 60,
"reconnect_timeout_min": 10,
"server": "",
"ssl_ca_cert": "ca-verisign-ecc-g2.crt.pem",
"ssl_cert": "aws-iot-83f6be2d16.crt.pem",
"ssl_key": "aws-iot-83f6be2d16.key.pem",
"sub": "/request",
"will_message": "",
"will_topic": ""
Setting new configuration...
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57

ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
miot_wifi_setup_sta WiFi STA: Connecting to Cesanta
miot_sys_config_init_http HTTP server started on [80]
mg_rpc_channel_mqtt 0x3ffcfeb8 test/rpc
mg_rpc_channel_uart 0x3ffcff64 UART0
miot_i2c_create I2C initialized (SDA: 22, SCL: 23)
miot_init Init done, RAM: 163040 free, 163040 min free
I (3784) wifi: n:11 0, o:1 0, ap:255 255, sta:11 0, prof:1
I (4364) wifi: state: init -> auth (b0)
I (4364) wifi: state: auth -> assoc (0)
I (4364) wifi: state: assoc -> run (10)
I (4384) wifi: connected with Cesanta, channel 11
miot_wifi_on_change_cb Wifi: connected
I (7664) event: ip:, mask:, gw:
miot_wifi_on_change_cb WiFi: ready, IP
mqtt_global_connect MQTT connecting to
mongoose_poll New heap free LWM: 156524
mongoose_poll New heap free LWM: 154004
SW ECDSA verify curve 3 hash_len 32 sig_len 72
SW ECDSA verify curve 3 hash_len 32 sig_len 71
ATCA is not available (-20096), using sw ECDH
mongoose_poll New heap free LWM: 142856
ev_handler MQTT Connect (1)
ev_handler CONNACK: 0
sub Subscribed to /request

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