esp_http_server and vue-router interaction

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esp_http_server and vue-router interaction

Postby vivask » Tue Aug 30, 2022 5:24 am

There is a problem of interaction between esp_http_server and vue-router.
You can see this issue in the restful server example ( ... ful_server).
Only the '/' request is handled correctly, which redirects to an existing index.html file.
Direct requests from the browser through other paths, such as '/chart' and '/light', are not processed correctly and result in errors opening non-existent files.
Obviously, requests from the browser directly to http://foo/chart are not handled correctly and are not passed to vue-router.
The error also occurs when executing the js code this.$router.go('/chart').
When testing the same vue code with node.js locally, no error is observed.
The test was carried out using:
- esp-idf v.4.4.2
- vue v2

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