SPI as Phy for TCP transport

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SPI as Phy for TCP transport

Postby Bobinshort » Mon Nov 19, 2018 4:17 pm

Hi Folks!

I have a very specific application where I need to connect the ESP32 as a tcp client to a host whom will accept only PowerLine communication, so I use a modem connected via SPI to the ESP32. I would like to use LwIP as it supports well IPv6.

So I was wondering, does the lwIP component in esp-idf has been modified to the point that it's not possible to change the endpoint of the TCP stream to make the SPI driver the way in (receive) and out (send) instead of the wifi driver? In fact, I didn't find where you link the lwIP socket to the wifi phy module (looked in LwIP, tcpTransport and tcpAdapter). So is there a way to easily to set the SPI as phy driver for the TCP api ? If not, would be nice to add in the future (like the esp_log_set_printf() that easily re-root the ESP_LOG functions).

Thanks !

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Joined: Thu Apr 18, 2019 9:29 am

Re: SPI as Phy for TCP transport

Postby giorgio80 » Thu Apr 18, 2019 9:32 am


I'm in process of doing same things, but cannot find any possible solution to that. I saw QCA7XXX has specific driver ( c) for that should be work in rtos .
How r u approaching the problem and which powerline IC are u using?



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