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Integrate pre-compiled user libraries

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 2:55 pm
by bovensiepen
Is there a recommended way to use pre-compiled user libraries in the SDK? I saw that I can modify the project template Makefile to include my own libraries. But at the moment the linking process fails when I access some functions from this library. I guess there is something wrong with my compiled library. So I wonder the following things:

1. Any recommended compile flags for the esp32?

2. Any recommended way to include binary user libraries into a project except to just modifying the Makefile?

Re: Integrate pre-compiled user libraries

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 3:49 pm
by rudi ;-)

not sure how you mean this,
( translater english-german)
but think have understand, have a try

the bad way would be:
put your own lib ( *.a ) in the RTOS SDK Folder \lib
and expand the makefile with your libname

better way is:
create a new own folder and put there your own libs
then expand the makefile in sektion "search folder"
with your own folder / path

recommend to you an own lib path since the RTOS can change again and again.

you can use the template for make user libs too,
look in the lib-example and create here your lib to your project.
the makefile search here for a lib.

if you use this lib in other projects, then you must put it central as described in the posting start.

hope this helps.

best wishes
rudi ;-)

Re: Integrate pre-compiled user libraries

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 11:35 am
by bovensiepen
Thanks rudi. I adapted now my own Makefile. You are right that it is better to handle my library code outside of the RTOS sdk.