- # We'll use defaults from the LLVM style, but with some modifications so that it's close to the CDT K&R style.
- BasedOnStyle: LLVM
- UseTab: Always
- IndentWidth: 3
- TabWidth: 3
- PackConstructorInitializers: NextLineOnly
- BreakConstructorInitializers: AfterColon
- IndentAccessModifiers: false
- AccessModifierOffset: -4
For example I can't set the tab space to 3 spaces instead of 4. I tried to edit the ".clang-format" file in the project folder but it seems that this is not taken into account. Yet when I create a new project the editor creates automatically this file.
Furthermore I don't know how to set key binding as I want, even though I set, for example, "Next editor" for command "Ctrl+Tab", it always alternates .h file with .c file. I don't know where I'm wrong....
Below is the content of my ".clang-format" file:
Even setting these values the tabulation remains 4 spaces.
Can someone help me?
Can I use native Eclipse settings instead of clang?