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How to Enable an ESP32 to Run as a SSED in OpenThread?

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2024 11:37 pm
by siatran
Hello everyone,

I would like to get an ESP32-H2 to run as an OpenThread Synchronized Sleepy End Device (SSED). However, and to the best of my knowledge, there does not seem to be any examples on ESP-IDF on how to create a SSED; there is only an example on how to create a SED (a not synchronized sleepy end device) on light sleep [1] and deep sleep [2].

My research has shown me that there exists OpenThread preprocessor macros [3], functions [4], and CLI commands [5] that can potentially enable CSL, and thus allow a device to function as a SSED. I see the preprocessor macros in [3] available when I do ` menuconfig`, but I cannot find any Espressif resources that discuss how to use CSL and enable an ESP32 802.15.4 compatible device to act as a SSED.

As a result, I would like to ask, at a higher level, how I can create a SSED with ESP-IDF. Can I simply do so by using the [1], and then modifying menuconfig by using the macros defined in [3] to make it function as a SSED, rather than a SED, or is there more than needs to be done by editing the source code? Or is it currently not possible to create an SSED with ESP-IDF at this time?

Any resources, guidance, and feedback would be greatly appreciated and help me head into the right direction.

[1] ... ight_sleep
[2] ... deep_sleep
[3] ... end-device
[4] ... pen-thread
[5] ...

Re: How to Enable an ESP32 to Run as a SSED in OpenThread?

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2024 1:40 am
by impishbynature
Good question, but zero answers.

Are ESP serious about supporting OpenThread, because for some use cases this functionality could be essential?