HTTP is very slow (>5 seconds) after first deepsleep

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HTTP is very slow (>5 seconds) after first deepsleep

Postby clinnemann » Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:51 pm

Hi everybody,

I hope you are doing fine. I am having a strange problem:
  • I have an app that is woken up a couple of times a day. It then connects to WIFI and connects to a REST API (http) which I provide. After successful connection to the REST API the device falls to deep-sleep again.
  • I noticed a very strange behavior: The connection to the REST API is very slow for the first wake up after power on. The 2nd, 3rd, etc wake ups are no problem. The connection time is in the order of 20 seconds and the connection gets initialized and everything just fine, the problem is the exchange of the data. It take 20 seconds to get the header.

Do you have an idea where that might come from?

Best regards,

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