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how to display turkish language on 20*4 LCD display using esp32

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2023 12:45 pm
we normally print English work or sentence in LCD but if we print Turkish language sentence or work on lcd display using esp32 microcontroller so how can we do this, please help me.

Re: how to display turkish language on 20*4 LCD display using esp32

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2023 2:30 am
by ESP_Sprite
Character LCDs usually use a (clone of a) HD44780 controller. As you can see in the datasheet (page 17/18), the characters they can display is quite limited, and it's not quite UTF8, more like a modified version of ASCII. If the character ROM of your display contains the non-latin characters you need, you can write a conversion routine that detects the non-latin characters in your input stream and converts them to the correct LCD character. Alternatively, you get 8 (or 16 in some clone chips) positions where you can define your own characters, so you can put whatever character you need there.

Alternatively: forget about that '80s character LCD nonsense and join the 21st century, we have real fancy colorful graphic LCDs now, and with things like LVGL you can have any character you want and with a much more colorful interface to boot!