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Making a working zigbee light with an ESP32-C6

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 1:50 am
by 8266er
I'm a bit frustrated with the zigbee examples in the SDK. I'm trying to make a working light device using an ESP32-C6.

You'd think this would be trivial - just add a few lines of code to manage a relay to HA_light example. But to make it useful for a home automation system, you need a manufacturer and model number and that code leaves those undefined.

I saw another post on this board asking about manufacturer and model attrs, and tried to get it working by adding code to the HA_light example, but it's not working. I suspect it's obvious once you've succeeded, but until then, it's pretty opaque.

I would think someone must have a project to implement a useful relay (or just a version of the HA_light example with manufacturer and model attrs), since it seems to basic. Really, I'd expect the HA_light example to have a manufacturer and model, rather than undefined -- that seems obvious.

Can someone point me to someone's existing project that does this? Surely one exists already?

Re: Making a working zigbee light with an ESP32-C6

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 2:41 pm
by Sanyidev
Have you had any success? Maybe back to CC2652P and windows builds taking 5 minutes each, zigbee implementation is useless in its current form.

Re: Making a working zigbee light with an ESP32-C6

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 10:57 am
by baylf2000
I am also having the same issue on my ESP32-C6. I've been trying for days to get the example I've found to work, but it just won't work. I'm thinking something has changed in recent versions of the sdk.

Example I found that current won't work: viewtopic.php?t=33143

Based on the "custom" examples in the 5.1.1 SDK.

Re: Making a working zigbee light with an ESP32-C6

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:27 pm
Things haven't changed. I've had success compiling and flashing the dimmable color light, it also interviewed with z2m right away. unfortunately no manufacturer and model id was present, so I was unable to use a converter with z2m, which would have been easy enough.

It seems many people have had this problem and there's multiple code snippets around that I also got to build and flash, but they all fail to interview and there's an error in the log:

Code: Select all

(I (681) ESP_ZB_COLOR_DIMM_LIGHT: ZDO signal: ZDO Config Ready (0x17), status: ESP_FAIL)
This is really frustrating, and unnecessarily so. Those two items should be in the examples by the fault, I don't understand why they arent.