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Esp32 S3 - BLE Charac write fail with code 5

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2022 10:30 am
by Olfox59

I'm trying to connect to my custom sensor that is the BLE server.
My esp32 S3 is the Ble client.
I'm using example ble multiconnect example, where i merged ble_client _security into it.

I can properly discover the service I need, and the good characteristic too. But when I try to write to it I get an error message printing in red into the console ( see attachement).

I thought it was linked to pairing and bonding, but even after adding the esp_ble_gap_config_local_privacy(true); and get the event, i can't write to the characeteristic. I don't see any keys exchange also, in comparaison with the gatt exemple tutorial explaination. I'm in Just work paring because no lcd or keyboard on both device.

When i do the same with nrfConnect, i can write whithout problem. I can also see the property WRITE.

Is there something i miss ?

Thanks a lot !
E (133954) espDMclient: Write char failed, error status = 5