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Sending 24bit parallel with ESP32-S3

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2022 10:09 am
by Tobi82m
After some experiments with ESP32, ESP32-S3, i still try to send 24 bits parallel. With LCD Mode it doesn´t work (16 bit only).

I have a array filled with 50.000 of 24bit values

Now i see 2 things that can work:
- Sending the Data over SPI to shift registers. The speed is fast enough...but if i send the array, the cs pin get low and the complete array is send. But how can i get a signal after every 24pin word who set the output of the shift register?

- Is there a chance to send a value for example 0b01010101010101010101 parallel to the pins? i can read and set every bit, but i need the 24bit word at the same time on all pins.

Re: Sending 24bit parallel with ESP32-S3

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2023 8:45 am
by molnar23

I have 16 bit parallel screen with ESP32-S3, could you share your code?